HBBum - Here we grow! Hazy OG and Blueberry Auto


Well-Known Member
EWC tea tonight, nice and foamy with 1 cup of EWC, 2 Tbsp molasses and 2 capfuls of super thrive....
I've heard BAD things about super thrive, especially using that much, even in 4 gallons of tea. I was under the impression that its a couple drops per gallon... You're OBVIOUSLY experienced, what do you have to say about it?


Well-Known Member
2 capfuls is about 2 teaspoons in 4 gallons of water. I had no issues with it in the past, but really only use it in veg and when I have clones rooting. With rooting clones I use about 2 drops in a 3/4 full solo cup of water.

Honestly though, I can only say that for me it has not hurt, not sure if it truly helps or not. For me veg is when I am building up the roots, anything I can do to help is golden to me.


Well-Known Member
looking great champ :) shame bout strawberry, I think woody is right tho. Hey I'm thinking about growing a Scorpion Butch T chilli hempy style :)


Well-Known Member
Strawberries coming back like they didn't miss a beat. Peppers grow here like no tomorrow in the garden, strawberries only tough because the damn bugs. Your grow is looking excellent as always LGC.

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Well-Known Member
2 capfuls is about 2 teaspoons in 4 gallons of water. I had no issues with it in the past, but really only use it in veg and when I have clones rooting. With rooting clones I use about 2 drops in a 3/4 full solo cup of water.

Honestly though, I can only say that for me it has not hurt, not sure if it truly helps or not. For me veg is when I am building up the roots, anything I can do to help is golden to me.
I've been looking for an inexpensive way to build root mass... Maybe I'll try it out myself, super thrive is only $10 for a big bottle...I use a bubble cloner. How do you clone? Rock wool? Bubble cloner? How/when do you add it for clones?


Well-Known Member
I just cut them and put them in a solo cup with water in it and a couple drops of super thrive and cover with a little ziplock bag(not sealed), then pretty much ignore them until I need them, checking water once in awhile.


Well-Known Member
I just cut them and put them in a solo cup with water in it and a couple drops of super thrive and cover with a little ziplock bag(not sealed), then pretty much ignore them until I need them, checking water once in awhile.
no air bubbler or oxygenating the water? wow?! That does not work for me! last time I tried that, I waited for 3 weeks before I saw any root growth... another 2 weeks before it could be planted... With the bubble cloner and no humidity dome, I get 100% success and at most it takes 12 days before I can put the clone in soil. I would like to see if ST can decrees that to 8-10 days. How long is it til you have enough roots so you can plant your clones (from cutting)? with ST? Without?


Well-Known Member
I don't have much space, so I really do not want them to root to fast, I just need them to stay alive :D

I may try putting them in with a bubbler if I get a chance to put one together, if fact I have a small tote I was playing around with being a hydro setup I could play with.

Finally back from my trip and the girls have been busy and are all now showing their girly parts:

Blue Dream:

Hazy OG:

Blueberry Auto, this one really took off but with all the pre-flowers I really hope she gets much bigger or the harvest will be pretty anemic:



Well-Known Member
Ok Frozen, for giggles I put them in a little hydro setup with a pump and bubbler I had sitting in the garage. PH the water to 5.7 with a little super thrive in it for fun.

The tub:

In the room (getting tight)

And my fearless assistant:

As I moved them from the water to the hydrant, I already noticed some nubs from roots starting to form so this will not be a great test to see if it makes them faster, but it will be interesting to find out if it kills them :D


Well-Known Member
good ph and superthrive.... I'm in! check out what I'm doing to my closet! If I had ANY room at all I'd be trying my hands at hydro.... just got clones going that way right now. I'm not that confident in my skills yet and soil is very forgiving. Besides, hydro is a bigger investment with mediums and nutrients and pumps and tables/set-ups and other what nots... Its money that I don't have right now. I like your assistant!


Well-Known Member
I'm right there with you, I got a vacation coming up in may and thankfully I set it up so that I could crop then leave a week later, giving me a little bit of time to drop my clones in 5 gallon buckets and get 'em drenchend then I leave! hopefully at 6-7 nodes they'll be alright for a couple weeks under a couple cfls without another water...keeping my fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
In May, natural light should be enough to keep them from flowering depending on where you live.


Well-Known Member
In May, natural light should be enough to keep them from flowering depending on where you live.
South central Alaska, the land of the midnight sun!.... And yes the natty light is enough but I live in an apartment and have really close nosy neighbors, so I don't really want to leave em in plain sight or even visible, with the off chance that someone might come to clean the gutters, or get cable installed, or some crazy act of god or a god that causes someone to get close enough to my window to see in. On top of all of it, even if it was reasonable to leave 'em out, I don't have a south facing window and would only get about 6-7 hours of usable light. Would the "ambient" light be enough? The sun comes up now at about 7am and is down at about 10pm, if I did put them near a window it would only get direct light from 1pm-7pm... Then at night there's LED street lights shinning in.. so I guess it doesn't get "dark" only dim...


Well-Known Member
I just stick them on a shelf below the window the the blinds closed, so no direct light, but enough ambient light to prevent flowering. Your not going to break any records for rooting time, but they will root.


Well-Known Member
Decided to swap out the 400MH with the Ushio 600 HPS so tomorrow (4/20) will be my official 12/12 date. Everyone showing pre-flowers so I expect the stretch to begin pretty quickly. Unfortunate that I need to be out of town most of next week. Will have my wife check them while I am out to make sure they do not get to close to the light.

Hazy OG:

Blue Dream:


Well-Known Member
Temps are good actually. I installed a temp controlled switch for my extraction fan, will keep an eye on humidity and as long as that is under control that should bring down my power use some. The fan was off when I went to check and temps are at 77, I may need to dial the sensor down a little bit, max temp was 83.