HBBum - Here we grow! Hazy OG and Blueberry Auto


Well-Known Member
Temps are good actually. I installed a temp controlled switch for my extraction fan, will keep an eye on humidity and as long as that is under control that should bring down my power use some. The fan was off when I went to check and temps are at 77, I may need to dial the sensor down a little bit, max temp was 83.
Awesome :) I think my hood contributes to my heat factor...I have my new fan hooked up now, with my carbon filter on it my temps are 79-81...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the tubes are a little better than the wider hoods for heat control, but give a smaller footprint for coverage. Not an issue in a 2x4 :D

I ditched the hydro pump for the clones since I had to move out of the tent for the light switch. It is set up now with just a couple solo cups in a res with an airstone under 24x7 light. The pump was just too noisy and I was just starting to enjoy the silence in my office. Still a step up from the plain old water I used before.


Well-Known Member
Flowering flipped 4.20 temps are awesome still even with the 600. Temp switch is working great, will confirm tonight when lights go back on to see if humidity is ok since I will be traveling all next week. Not a huge fan of all these changes before traveling so may disable the thermo and leave it on 24/7 while on the road.

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Well-Known Member
Flowering flipped 4.20 temps are awesome still even with the 600. Temp switch is working great, will confirm tonight when lights go back on to see if humidity is ok since I will be traveling all next week. Not a huge fan of all these changes before traveling so may disable the thermo and leave it on 24/7 while on the road.
Its so much more comforting traveling when things are perfectly dialed in! I have spent so many sleepless nights worrying about how things were going to be after making a slight change before I left for a week or two, and then come back to everything just peachy... I'm pretty sure your wife is perfectly capable of handling things while you're gone though! And that 600 should make all of your ladies smile even if it is a couple degrees above where you want it!


Well-Known Member
Completely comfortable with 84 as a peak since it is not staying there it seems. I am more concerned now about the RH with the fan cycling since it got up to 80% so I may need to get a new sensor that does both RH and temps that they use in terrariums.

Got some lights off pics, Blue dream has stretched to be about 1.5" shorter than the Hazy already but not nearly as bushy. Canopy is pretty even right now, we will see how that sits after the first week from switch.

Hazy OG:

Blue Dream:

Blueberry Auto:

Considering this is right at lights out and they got a full watering last nigh, I am really happy with how they look so far. The Hazy is a little more sensitive to the nutes, super dark green so I probably could have dialed the N back on this one but they will only get top dressed with 5-8-4 and EWC teas from here out (with monthly dolomite) unless I see a problem.


Well-Known Member
Thanks low. I had to turn off the temp control for for the fan before I left since the peaked at 93%. Found an attic fan controller for $50 that I can modify to kick on for temp or humidity levels. Will set max humidity at 60-70 and see how that works.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks low. I had to turn off the temp control for for the fan before I left since the peaked at 93%. Found an attic fan controller for $50 that I can modify to kick on for temp or humidity levels. Will set max humidity at 60-70 and see how that works.

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Let the budding begin :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Indeed, they grew quite a bit while I was out of town. Really surprised that they did not need water when I got back, last watering was Monday night but only the Hazy was kind of ready for another watering. I am holding off while I brew up an EWC tea.

Pics coming tonight.


Well-Known Member
Lovin' it HH. Temps humidity great, but right now just running the fan 24x7. I ordered one of these I will rig up when it gets here to control the fan based on temps and humidity:

The girls have been busy, flipped 4/20. EWC tea last night. Ok.. Time for some pics!!

Blueberry Auto:

Hazy OG:

Blue Dream:


Momotaro, needs a trellis or some type of support real soon:


Well-Known Member
I spliced the duo stat controller into a heavy duty grounded extension cord that goes from my Variac autotransformer to the 440 CFM extraction fan and have it hanging about 4" below the lights to get measurements. Working great keeping the temp and humidity under control. An environmental controller for about $50!

Fan is no longer running 24x7 so that should save some electricity and help extend the life of my carbon filter.

Now I can concentrate on what is really important, putting this bad boy in the smoker for about 6 hours :D



Well-Known Member
I am going to need to pull the strawberries out, just no room for the 5G pot it is in. I may also need to pull the tomatoes, it is getting completely smothered by the Hazy OG, but this may improve when I pull the strawberry pot (tomato only in a 3G)


Well-Known Member
Sorry strawberries, you gotta go! Fortunately (for now), there is still room for the tomatoes.

Blue Dream showing signs of mag deficiency even with the dolomite lime. I will add some liquid cal/mag in the next watering. Hazy and Blueberry still look good, but I will probably add a little to the auto as well.


Well-Known Member
Lights went out while I was training the tomato plan on the stakes. Would love opinions on the Blue Dream(pic below) but I think its a mag deficiency.

Group shot:

Blue Dream, looks like mg to me:

Blueberry auto:


Well-Known Member
Damn thing is yellowing. Checked run off with ph 6.5 water and it was coming out 5.5 so it seems cal/mg are being locked out. Ran 10 gallons of 6.5 water through and runoff is 6.4 now. Brewing up an EWC with a little added cal/mg liquid and will give a light watering tomorrow night when the tea is done.

Not sure why this one had so much build up, but I hope this straightens it out.


Well-Known Member
It is getting busy in there almost 2 weeks into flowering:

Bluberry auto is forming some little nuts:

Blue Dream is looking ok after a little bit of a PH problem:

I didn't give them the tea soil was still moist and the tea was not foamy, added a little more molasses and the water is a little warmer I hope that gets things going.


Well-Known Member
Man all your plants look crazy bushy. What gives is it the method of growing? Everything very short n bushy lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for following, I bend them over when they are about 5" tall (except the auto up front). and just LST a lot early veg.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so pulled out for some pics at day 17 of flowering.

Hazy OG just looks so good right now.

Blue Dream is looking better, but the damage was done from the PH issue I had:

Blueberry Auto.. These autos are really runts, but smells very sweet(my assistant agrees):