My journey


Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats what i heard but then Randy said that he's been getting blitzed off his male cuttings and shit........:joint:
Remember I wanted seeds so I flowered my two best males untill the pollen started to pop. I also harvested at max thc for male plants.

The little small leaves are the best.

I also could be lucky with the strain I have.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Well FUCK it. Hes gone. the other three are doing amazing and have grown over an inch in 2 days. Two of them have 3 sets of 5 point leaves!! And the growth in between the fan leaves is insane! I'll post pics tomorrow!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
You know what, screw both of you humble bastards! Your plants both look amazing!!!! Hopefully from watching what you guys do i can emulate that and end up with something half-way decent. They are looking really good though. Hard to believe that a week ago their tops were no wider than a quarter!
Sorry but i'm lazy tonight. don't remember which plants are which but i'll get some detailed info and pics up on sat. when i add the HPS!!!!!!!!!

First 2 pics are BOB and the first three plant pics go in order of young to old (youngest, purple, and droopy) after that its just a free for all!

Picture 001.jpg

Picture 002.jpg

Picture 003.jpg

Picture 004.jpg

Picture 005.jpg

Picture 006.jpg

Picture 007.jpg

Picture 008.jpg

Picture 009.jpg

Picture 010.jpg

Picture 011.jpg

Picture 013.jpg

Picture 014.jpg

Picture 015.jpg



Well-Known Member
It seems like it. They keep growin so i'm happy!
Thats just the CFLs. The HPS goes in sat with flouros for side lighting!


Is the ballast switchable? Mines not so I bought a mh conversion bulb. I waited to long to switch to the hps. Well maybe not, I just found out they grow like mother-fuckers at first under the 12/12 cycle then slow way down. So maybe I'll be safe.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Is the ballast switchable? Mines not so I bought a mh conversion bulb. I waited to long to switch to the hps. Well maybe not, I just found out they grow like mother-fuckers at first under the 12/12 cycle then slow way down. So maybe I'll be safe.
Na, I need to get a MH conv. bulb. but thats a little down the road. Now thinking about it i have about 45in of grow space vertically. I think i'll have to LST unless these turn out to be Indica. What do you think so far?
Should i flower at like 10in maybe?



Well-Known Member
Na, I need to get a MH conv. bulb. but thats a little down the road. Now thinking about it i have about 45in of grow space vertically. I think i'll have to LST unless these turn out to be Indica. What do you think so far?
Should i flower at like 10in maybe?

Flower at 10 - 12. Take a clone or two from eash. then after they finish you will know better when to flower the clones.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Flower at 10 - 12. Take a clone or two from eash. then after they finish you will know better when to flower the clones.
Sweet! Depending on how they react to this HPS i could be flowering as soon as next weekend!!!:hump: :joint: should i use the CFL setup i got for clones or should i use flouro tubes for that?


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
u got air on them girls right? i was :joint: online and found this... rep if u deem necessary...

The Cannabis Grow Bible
Yeah i got air on them. I got a cool mist humidifier and a large oscelating fan thats not oscelating, but still running. It's been low low 80's lately so its doing well.

also im really high and my new phrase is to go blaze some waffles! i mean, i DO have GIR as my avatar!
"I want tacoooooooos"

You need to try the waffle sandwich! You make to Eggos and toast them, Make an overeasy egg and put it inbetween the eggos and then cover that bitch with syrup. Pop the yolk right before you eat!!!! AMAZING :joint::mrgreen:
