Picture of your pet thread !!!

Hahaha I know man, my buddies are like that, I dont know much about the parents of my little boy so woth hopes he'll be ok, though he's already a stubborn ass at times

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im not laughing, it sucks and has caused me alot of trouble, but they are my dogs and wouldn have them any other way. they are companions, protectors, and loyal to the point of self sacrafice.

thats the point of a dog to me. but everyone has their own Vision of what a dog is and what it does.

Hope say - ohai - i r puppy <3
Bud say - Thinks I'm in love. Want me catch you fishy?

Hes so handsome!
Takes after his owner
just keep on it. thats how i get mine to sit for stupid pics like that. lol hell do just about anything for a peice of bacon. my black one knows sit, lay down,shake, they both fetch and retrieve. they are really alot smarter and more perceptive than people give credit for.
but mine are straight killers. they are fast and agile. so i have to be very careful where they go, and unfortunately never ever get to be off the leash in public
Just want to brag a little bit bout my Golden. Of course this would be different if I had to live in the city again but my dog is never leashed and doesn't wear a collar. When we go for walks/runs he doesn't go more than 20-50 ft before looking back to check on me. If I raise my arm from my side he will run back without me saying a word. This works damn near a quarter mile away.
He will fetch my shoes and even brings my hat and gloves if they are within reach. Naturally has a soft mouth. Instinctually retrieves. When I take him hunting and I want him to stay close I just make sure hes looking at me and raise my finger to mouth(hush) and walk slowly.When I do this he stays within a tails reach. I've actually snuck up on deer doing this.
I love how his lip is up on the side like Elvis. What a good looking dog. I miss our Border Collie R.I.P.
Thanks Ill tell em you said that. Notice how his face is wet but his back is dry. In the summer he will stand in the water for hours on end bobbing for sunfish. He always gets deep enough so that his pecker is submerged and will stay in the water a good hour after sunset. One of my favorite feelings is swimming side by side with my dog in the water. Just both of our heads poking out the water enjoying a swim.

Saturday afternoon they started acting funny. walking wierd ajust a basic loss of motor skills, and confusion wich escalated within hours to the point of both dogs having seizures followed by tremors/shaking and losing their bladders everywhere.

i didnt sleep much

Sunday morning they were seeming to bounce back both had no appetite to speak of and i was starting to get worried about dehydration. after speaking with a friend i decided to start giving them Pedialyte to keep fluids in them. they were comptely lethargic, throwing up and incontinent but the pedialyte seemed to help.

Monday they seemed to be doing better still not eating but drinking on their own, and i thought that i may be out of the woods, i let them out to go to the bathroom from 11-pm-1230-am then went to bed and woke up tuedsay and they were having seizures again and all the same symptoms from saturday. i put another camera up to catch the fuckers, i dont know if ill be able to keep my cool if/when i catch them.

Saturday afternoon they started acting funny. walking wierd ajust a basic loss of motor skills, and confusion wich escalated within hours to the point of both dogs having seizures followed by tremors/shaking and losing their bladders everywhere.

i didnt sleep much

Sunday morning they were seeming to bounce back both had no appetite to speak of and i was starting to get worried about dehydration. after speaking with a friend i decided to start giving them Pedialyte to keep fluids in them. they were comptely lethargic, throwing up and incontinent but the pedialyte seemed to help.

Monday they seemed to be doing better still not eating but drinking on their own, and i thought that i may be out of the woods, i let them out to go to the bathroom from 11-pm-1230-am then went to bed and woke up tuedsay and they were having seizures again and all the same symptoms from saturday. i put another camera up to catch the fuckers, i dont know if ill be able to keep my cool if/when i catch them.
That's horribly fucked up if someone is. One of my worst fears, someone intentionally killing my dog. I hope you find out whats going on and hope your dogs come around. Have you called a vet or poison control? Beef with the neighbors or anyone recently? If someone is trying to get your dogs they could be throwing poisoned food over your fence at night when you let them out. (my first thoughts) I would search the yard next time before letting them roam. and place some motion lights or driveway alarms in areas of question.
I know vets like to fuck a person raw but if they can't put anything down they may need a IV drip.
Keep us updated
That's horribly fucked up if someone is. One of my worst fears, someone intentionally killing my dog. I hope you find out whats going on and hope your dogs come around. Have you called a vet or poison control? Beef with the neighbors or anyone recently? If someone is trying to get your dogs they could be throwing poisoned food over your fence at night when you let them out. (my first thoughts) I would search the yard next time before letting them roam. and place some motion lights or driveway alarms in areas of question.
I know vets like to fuck a person raw but if they can't put anything down they may need a IV drip.
Keep us updated

im on it i have 2 motion activated infared cameras, and im workiung on getting the motions sensors hooked up to some 400watt halogen spots.

no beef nothing out of the ordinary that has been my first thought so i boarded up quite a bit and made it inaccessable by the dogs about 20 ft from the house i think it is coming from, and got permisson from their landlord to point a cam at their yard. fucking tweekers are gonna be paranoid.

also inspected the poops and vomit and there isnt anything i havnt fed them, besides 1/2 a rotten bannanna that I LEFT in the back yard. im about to head home and go do a check up right now.. will update
im on it i have 2 motion activated infared cameras, and im workiung on getting the motions sensors hooked up to some 400watt halogen spots.

no beef nothing out of the ordinary that has been my first thought so i boarded up quite a bit and made it inaccessable by the dogs about 20 ft from the house i think it is coming from, and got permisson from their landlord to point a cam at their yard. fucking tweekers are gonna be paranoid.

also inspected the poops and vomit and there isnt anything i havnt fed them, besides 1/2 a rotten bannanna that I LEFT in the back yard. im about to head home and go do a check up right now.. will update
Hope you catch them fuckers. And you're sure there is nothing around the house they are getting into? Rodent poison, soil amendments, poison plants, trees, reptiles? Snake bite?