Still working out the kinks!


photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG So I'm trying this growing thing again. I had this plant on a 24 hr light schedule with 1 14w clf bulb. this got me past germenting and seedling to where I am now. I am now running 1 42w and 1 14w cfl bulb in a larger area with my pure fan running. around the end of the second sprouting the first leaves started to turn yellow. although I am getting some growth wit the new leaves the old ones are scaring me. I read that it could be a nitrogen problem or about a million things but I need more of an explination than that honestly. I am using miricle grow soil right now and I have heard that others that used this soil ran into the same problems in young plants but they grow out of it. I would just like to know if and what I can do to help. I know almost nothing about soils. I have another 42w cfl bulb if its not enough light.


Well-Known Member
Just keep an eye open on your new growth. I've had plants do the same thing as yours and it never came to anything.

I've grown in Miracle Grow before and had no problems......unless your bag of MG was VERY heavy, then you may have a problem as the "time-released" nutrients are actually water released and if the bag got soaked in storage you have worthless soil.


Just keep an eye open on your new growth. I've had plants do the same thing as yours and it never came to anything.

I've grown in Miracle Grow before and had no problems......unless your bag of MG was VERY heavy, then you may have a problem as the "time-released" nutrients are actually water released and if the bag got soaked in storage you have worthless soil.

I dont think the bag was wet. It is quite an old bag I just had around the house when I stared but it seems still fine in nutes. Im watching for new growth and its strange im getting growth with new nodes but not any taller. I am about to post a pic of the growth.

Update: I read a lot on the tap water ph possibly being off so I put the plant in a little bigger container with some new soil and added some purified water.


Well-Known Member
Sigh.......unless you're growing in hydro messing with PH does nothing to fix a plant problem. Do farmers adjust PH for their crops? No. Do outdoor pot-growers adjust It's no different for indoor growers.


I didnt know weather the plants were very sensative to the ph levels. also Idk what else i ca do to save her


btw update on the plant! I listened to kagecog and stopped watering and those 2 leaves that looked bad are about died off but im getting solid growth at the top. If anyones interested Ill post a pic of the continuation later on.


Active Member
Looks like it might be overfed or maybe just locking out stuff due to imbalance. The soil a little too packed with nutes?

Ppl will tell you soil PH is bs. Honestly, my plants look much better aftet i got my soil ph tester and monitor my water ph and ec

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Looks like it might be overfed or maybe just locking out stuff due to imbalance. The soil a little too packed with nutes?

Ppl will tell you soil PH is bs. Honestly, my plants look much better aftet i got my soil ph tester and monitor my water ph and ec

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Yeah some ph testers will most likely be my next purchase I just wanna stick as close to not spending anything and let the plants do what they do naturally.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep a good balance for a plant?


Active Member
Yeah some ph testers will most likely be my next purchase I just wanna stick as close to not spending anything and let the plants do what they do naturally.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep a good balance for a plant?
Water at the same ph each time. If you gotta asjust, dont overdo. Say soil is 8, water with 7 first week, then move to 6,5. Flushing with phed water helps too, just dont shock the plants with more than half to one step on the scale a time.

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Water at the same ph each time. If you gotta asjust, dont overdo. Say soil is 8, water with 7 first week, then move to 6,5. Flushing with phed water helps too, just dont shock the plants with more than half to one step on the scale a time.

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alright once i get my ph strips I will do that.
I dont know what else i can do to help my lil plant im getting a lot of yellowing in leaves n cant figure out why


Active Member
Well it can be a dozen things or more. All you can do is start eliminating. Start with the more obvious. I use organoc soil for vegetable plants already blended and mix with 20-30% perlite. And mix in some bonemeal. Start with 500ml pots, then move to 1 litre, 4 litre and finally put them straight in 13 litre pots. I add some root juice from biobizz first two weeks (twise total) then feed normally at about week 3-4. I always dry out most of the soil before i water and inspect old and new growth daily.

If you got more seeds and cant pass rooting phase, I'd advice you to change soil and potsize down, and do everything by the book from basics. Clean water, full nute solutions and daily inspections of soil, plants and growspace.

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