Harvesting Hundreds


New Member
Harvesting hundreds and hundreds of seeds, My LowRyder 2 seed run has yeilded hundreds of fat little LR2 beans. I pollinated 3 female LR2 and 3 BC Mango from my best LR2 male. So now i have LR2 seeds for quite some time. I will need to grow out the bc mango X LR2 to see how it turns out, I am assuming it to be very short plants and quick bloom time but not auto flowering. Only time will tell for sure.

Do i still have time to get an outdoor LR2 grow done this season? I plan to chance it and see how it goes. Wish me luck


Well-Known Member
Wanna sent a couple over this medical patients way? I would be happy to grow them to their fullest and report back :mrgreen: just a thought :peace:


Well-Known Member
you might actually have enough time
becasue we still have about 2 1/2 months until october so you might need a solar light to keep the plants out of flowering but i htink that is enough time if you hurry


Well-Known Member
Harvesting hundreds and hundreds of seeds, My LowRyder 2 seed run has yeilded hundreds of fat little LR2 beans. I pollinated 3 female LR2 and 3 BC Mango from my best LR2 male. So now i have LR2 seeds for quite some time. I will need to grow out the bc mango X LR2 to see how it turns out, I am assuming it to be very short plants and quick bloom time but not auto flowering. Only time will tell for sure.

Do i still have time to get an outdoor LR2 grow done this season? I plan to chance it and see how it goes. Wish me luck
There you go! Death to the online grow shops LOL!!KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
i am starting some low ryder right now. i started a few about 10 - 14 days ago and see my first male today. i will be seeding it with hijack and itself. i have 5 started. with one more still germing. :)


New Member
I would never wish for the online shops to close, alot of good stuff comes out of them. But if i can avoid them and save some cash i'll be happy.

Hijack and LR2 sounds like a very intresting cross, Hi-Low or Hi-Ryder maybe. The effort of my breedng was just to create some intresting plants, do you intend to backcross till the cross is full auto flowering? I would admire such a project but i lack the resources to do it.


Well-Known Member
I would never wish for the online shops to close, alot of good stuff comes out of them. But if i can avoid them and save some cash i'll be happy.

Hijack and LR2 sounds like a very intresting cross, Hi-Low or Hi-Ryder maybe. The effort of my breedng was just to create some intresting plants, do you intend to backcross till the cross is full auto flowering? I would admire such a project but i lack the resources to do it.

how about "low jack"? :bigjoint:

i've never worked with auto flowers so i have no idea where this will lead. :-?


New Member
Low Jack is perfect, my undersranding is that it takes like 3 back crosses a very good eye and a larger breeding pool to successfully get a cross to auto flower. But who knows really.

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
Its amazing how many seeds a tiny little plant can produce. I pollinated 1 LR2 and got over 300 nice dark seeds in about a 1/4oz of weed. I just pollinated 7 diesel ryders completely with a mixture of pollen from 2 stinky ass males. Did you smoke your weed after you harvested your seeds?


New Member
i smoke some but for the most part i like to put the seeded weed trim and all in the bubblebags. dry it pick the seeds out keep the top cola and throw the rest in the bubblebags works great for me. Hash is just to yummy to resist and the flower to leaf ratio is so high that i am left with very litle waste if that was all i was going to process.

But the weed is fucking great too, i can't believe anyone would call this stuff ditch weed. yeah get so high you fall down and sleep it off in a ditch maybe.


Well-Known Member
i smoke some but for the most part i like to put the seeded weed trim and all in the bubblebags. dry it pick the seeds out keep the top cola and throw the rest in the bubblebags works great for me. Hash is just to yummy to resist and the flower to leaf ratio is so high that i am left with very litle waste if that was all i was going to process.

But the weed is fucking great too, i can't believe anyone would call this stuff ditch weed. yeah get so high you fall down and sleep it off in a ditch maybe.

LoL sleep in a ditch weed....nice, can't wait till the 15th *wink, nudge*

Gonna chop my girl on the 15th, and germinate some new girls on the 18th hopefully.....


Well-Known Member
MAN! Ya'll really make me wish I hade some LowRyder seeds.

I finished my main harvest (one big plant) back in May (only have smoked about 1/8 of what she put out) and am harvesting two clones I took today (the clones are going to give me 1/4 z max due to light mess up and early flowering.

Were moving in September and I don't have time to start again.... LowRyder sounds like what I need!

PS Great thread!


Well-Known Member
Don't you hate having to plan a move, puts a lot of your plans on hold.... My move is fucking with me, I was planning on moving this month but nows its on hold till January, so i got plenty of time to start another indoor (gonna chop next week sometime, prolly when i smoke all my club weed).... but yea, fuck moving, hopefully when i move in January its the last time for long time(buying a house)....sorry for getting off on tangent.... but yea, I cant wait to start another... :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
LOL, so you know what its like to be in my shoes. Man it sucks. Anyway, good luck with the house! :peace:
Thanks man, hoping the feds don't fuck me and cut rates, I just got approved on my home load.... I would be pissed if they cut them again, 0.2% doesn't seem like much but when you consider 25-30 years of monthly payments with a total financed amount in the tune of $450,000... that 0.2% on interest rates is a big deal....


Well-Known Member
Moving is always problematic to a grower. I am planning my move for December NOW. I am moving out of my closet and into a series of cabinets. Cabinets are portable and very discreet if modified/built correctly. I plan on have one for clone/mother/veg and two for flowering. I really want to get on the Lowryder band wagon so to speak and have a cabinet to JUST do autos in. Basically... I just want to grow as much continual harvest weed as I can get away with.... and smoke it...LOL :P


New Member
I just want to grow as much continual harvest weed as I can get away with.... and smoke it...LOL :P
Well said i think most of us would agree with you there, shit if RIU doesnt have a mission statement that should be it. I am planning to move in october myself. Not excited about it either but it will be onlt temporary as were gonna have to get a shit hole apt for a few months before we can buy a house.

Best of luch to you in constructing your cabinets.



Well-Known Member
Harvesting hundreds and hundreds of seeds, My LowRyder 2 seed run has yeilded hundreds of fat little LR2 beans. I pollinated 3 female LR2 and 3 BC Mango from my best LR2 male. So now i have LR2 seeds for quite some time. I will need to grow out the bc mango X LR2 to see how it turns out, I am assuming it to be very short plants and quick bloom time but not auto flowering. Only time will tell for sure.

Do i still have time to get an outdoor LR2 grow done this season? I plan to chance it and see how it goes. Wish me luck
:mrgreen:hello! yes man,you have enough time for another outdoor round! go on,and yaa will have big harvest in 2months! i had yesteday outdoor harvest of lowryder#2,the fucking weed skunk is wicked! all buds are white covered with planty thc!:joint::mrgreen: it's 5x more white then white widow! 4real!
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