The UK Growers Thread!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
@ cfl grower u wont find any1 on this thread jumping on my dik for the forseable spesh ice lol......

compaired to a dr the ds is much much thinner ...

id also add that hydro growth is much much faster then soil/ maybe that's another reason.

like u said the argument is age old.....i took what sub said as a final answer only because he makes the seeds some of us buy, and his orginal thing was providing loads of accurate strain info espesh compaired to all other seed banks.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna get that grinder! Look it up on grassing n add gs420 for a 25% discount. The grinder I have is 7+ yes old, fucking workout using it lol n the titanium finish adds to the longevity of the product.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
looool when i was a littler kid then i am now......we all got told by the olders the teeth on the metal grinders......grind together (obv) and metal flakes would come out in your joints, that's what the hot bits burning holes in ur clothes was.......looking back now.....



Well-Known Member
@ cfl grower u wont find any1 on this thread jumping on my dik for the forseable spesh ice lol......

compaired to a dr the ds is much much thinner ...

id also add that hydro growth is much much faster then soil/ maybe that's another reason.

like u said the argument is age old.....i took what sub said as a final answer only because he makes the seeds some of us buy, and his orginal thing was providing loads of accurate strain info espesh compaired to all other seed banks.
I hate hydro, too many things to go wrong and there is a loss of taste, as far as rate of growth, definitely faster but I was talking about soil.
The new DS are actually better than the first version DS's, they were basically reflectable paper made into a tent, one wrong move and that bad boy was a goner.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
i have been using the hydro garden tents for ages my 2x2 tent has the white lining.... Doesn't reflect heat half as much......and i prefer it....ex lobbed the poles so now its usless lol....


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you why most of you don't wanna invest in proper equipment, because your poor. Lemon took it like a man and big respect for that and admitted he was poor at the point. We have all been there, shit, I started with cfl's and no tent but as soon as I had enough bread I stepped my game up.
By the way, them black orchids are a pile of crap as well but the material is still strong enough to withstand burning from a spliff. The only reason I can slightly believe Lem is because I've seen the DS build quality and it is horrible, very cheap like and basically a fire trap.
But your right as far as tents go, there is no difference, they will all still do the job needed.
But no, most tents do not burn, :hump: seems like your hopin on dick :shock::shock::spew:

I can't say nothing to you, your a bigger man than I thought and respect is given where due, well constructed response. :clap:
As far as the 12/12 arguement, it is an older arguement than how long I have been growing and everyone has there own take on it. I flower anything for 10 wks, I don't care if the breeders spec is 6wks, 8 or 10, I'll do 10. Don't bother with strains that want to go any longer, but years ago I used to do the 8wks and have since seen a weight and quality increase since extending flowering by the further 2wks.
how long u been growing, you seems very angry mate the thread it may help

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Yeah u should send em an email complaining about the quality, it's a reputable brand u might get a free tent,mention you've a small child in the house n u nearly lost all ur saffron lol
...attach that pic u sent Gary with the brand name on it, if not I'll do it!!
ill never get around to doing it so if u want to go for it man....

i am worried though, now that it may not have been the spliff wtf was waiting for it to go up......the only logical explination i can concive is that the spliff rolled up to the tent and because its so thin set the string ob the other side on fire......due to heat??? Sopntantious combustion?? Fuck knows.....


Well-Known Member
It's secret jardin their 100% legit, their tents should meet a certain standard I.e flame retardant to a considerable degree, if it went up that fast they have alot of explaining to do! I'm sure they must have a quality control team!!! <---apparently not lol

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
It's secret jardin their 100% legit, their tents should meet a certain standard I.e flame retardant to a considerable degree, if it went up that fast they have alot of explaining to do! I'm sure they must have a quality control team!!! <---apparently not lol
u would think......i tried to source a replacement set of poles for my hg 2x2......

i spoke to the guys that do the tents, got told there's no replacements only corners....

when i asked if they could just tell me the length of one of the poles (so i could fabricate my own) i was told no as that would involve opening a box......

then they sent me the instructions to put it together...

cost me over £300 at the time....£350 i belive.....

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
this is also were the flush comes from.....when people first used hydro at home on pot plants.....they realised pumping plants full of p and k increased flower production exponentioally.......the problem was such high levels of p and k left a really really bad taste.........


the two week flush was born!!!

The 2 week flush in that context comes from an ignorance of photosynthesis, plant biology and the regurgitation of forum myth.


Well-Known Member
Man for that much money I'd get onto the company, just inquire on the measurements n explain what happened n if u could buy the poles off em or something...worth a try.