The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
So ill break it down.
Your number 1)
My incoherent sentences did not compute in your low class mind?- Well funny you have a reply for me in that you tried to break down all I said to give a reply.
2) You are no racist but continue to mugg all blacks within by constantly repeating the word Nigga, and saying yank to a UK guy.
3) My post is so ineligible that you had to take time to construct a response you felt was dignified using a few higher stature words such as incoherent to get a point across that really just knocked the effect you wanted down the drain.
4) My last few posts have been clearly outlined and if you find it difficult to comprehend why in the world are you finding insult in it and responding with points attempting to what lower the rep of someone you say has no credibility? Hope your not trying to bounce of my back bro.
Iv said this before to another member in here, My Bitches do the talking the formalities of posting and conversing with all is for entertainment purposes and to share with one another ideas, advice and at times criticise those doing fuckeriez and in your case talking a load of shit.

Now a little for you out of the useless rubbish thats seeming pointless to respond to but as you defo are proving yourself to be a turd understand if I was to speak to all within this forun in a manner I woukd speak to my friends of here or say Anon as im sure he will be able to comprehend, many will have no clue on what the fuck I am on. If sense is made from my face to face communication within this forum it would be little sense to many and only minor pointers would be construed. So No I wouldnt come on here and speak to all as normal because me speaking a bit normal had fucking likkle bastards dem as yourself chattin some crap bout how nigga shud b chattin english and then sayin yeh stereotypical man his for the ways I am. Well complain about that. You obviously will not learn a lesson because your miniscule mind just wants to fit into a box that is outside your comfort zone. Refrain from commenting on the english used if you cannot accept others and my terminology on what is the unusual to you. Im sure all can understand what was just said all yall fucking Idiots too. Dont tell someone to speak as they would fave to face on a forum and complain to speak straight formal english with slangs incomprehendabke to you it just defeats the point of you saying anything at all and goes to show your lowly self wants more than it can handle.
Dumb fuck boy. Must Be the York Gene!

Preach. BTW, I understand perfectly, I put myself in a position to understand all forms of slang so I'm never in the background wondering "what the fuck did he just say" unlike these pricks who think they know it all, but only know as much as is within their comfort zones.


Well-Known Member
sorry but i could never make a call to the police about growing weed....

its just not "for" our cause... people shouldnt be done for it.

thatd make me as bad as him. thanks for sticking up for a fellow grower but another idea would be better.

but this guys a fucking cunt.. i heard how excited and enthused he was to be fucking someone else over. bear in mind i barely know him.. hes just your average run of the mill useless v. average cunt .

i hope he enjoys his morning tea. its gonna take real will power not to fucking smack the bitch.
The cunt deserves it, I've been in a similar situation, didnt hear them grass but knew it was them, done time as well but shit happens mate. Just be on top of it and get EVERYTHING out.

Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
The cunt deserves it, I've been in a similar situation, didnt hear them grass but knew it was them, done time as well but shit happens mate. Just be on top of it and get EVERYTHING out.
cheers man. i cleared everything already .

im outta here . ive lined up an online interview for tomorrow in Uruguay !
and cheap flights middle of May, fuck it .
I wanna live with my plants and live the lifestyle without being endanger of arrest and persecution.


Well-Known Member
cheers man. i cleared everything already .

im outta here . ive lined up an online interview for tomorrow in Uruguay !
and cheap flights middle of May, fuck it .
I wanna live with my plants and live the lifestyle without being endanger of arrest and persecution.
Uraguay is a tad extreme don't u think?


Well-Known Member
cheers man. i cleared everything already .

im outta here . ive lined up an online interview for tomorrow in Uruguay !
and cheap flights middle of May, fuck it .
I wanna live with my plants and live the lifestyle without being endanger of arrest and persecution.
Now thats diginified and shows a true love for growing, smoking and the girls that produces the flowers we all demand and care for so much. Keep us posted on whats going on and don't becone a stranger.



Well-Known Member
Oh so many better places, for one ur gonna have to learn a new language n all that razz,why not Holland or something like that...

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So ill break it down.
Your number 1)
My incoherent sentences did not compute in your low class mind?- Well funny you have a reply for me in that you tried to break down all I said to give a reply.
2) You are no racist but continue to mugg all blacks within by constantly repeating the word Nigga, and saying yank to a UK guy.
3) My post is so ineligible that you had to take time to construct a response you felt was dignified using a few higher stature words such as incoherent to get a point across that really just knocked the effect you wanted down the drain.
4) My last few posts have been clearly outlined and if you find it difficult to comprehend why in the world are you finding insult in it and responding with points attempting to what lower the rep of someone you say has no credibility? Hope your not trying to bounce of my back bro.
Iv said this before to another member in here, My Bitches do the talking the formalities of posting and conversing with all is for entertainment purposes and to share with one another ideas, advice and at times criticise those doing fuckeriez and in your case talking a load of shit.

Now a little for you out of the useless rubbish thats seeming pointless to respond to but as you defo are proving yourself to be a turd understand if I was to speak to all within this forun in a manner I woukd speak to my friends of here or say Anon as im sure he will be able to comprehend, many will have no clue on what the fuck I am on. If sense is made from my face to face communication within this forum it would be little sense to many and only minor pointers would be construed. So No I wouldnt come on here and speak to all as normal because me speaking a bit normal had fucking likkle bastards dem as yourself chattin some crap bout how nigga shud b chattin english and then sayin yeh stereotypical man his for the ways I am. Well complain about that. You obviously will not learn a lesson because your miniscule mind just wants to fit into a box that is outside your comfort zone. Refrain from commenting on the english used if you cannot accept others and my terminology on what is the unusual to you. Im sure all can understand what was just said all yall fucking Idiots too. Dont tell someone to speak as they would fave to face on a forum and complain to speak straight formal english with slangs incomprehendabke to you it just defeats the point of you saying anything at all and goes to show your lowly self wants more than it can handle.
Dumb fuck boy. Must Be the York Gene!
1) Why the fuck should I have to break down what you said in order to understand it?
You should give your interactor's more consideration if you want the same consideration returned.

2) No I'm not racist and no I didn't mug ALL blacks. Just those "STEREOTYPICAL IGNORANT YANK NIGGAS" which is a cultural pigeon hole for a certain type of black man (sterotypical, ignorant yank ones).
(FYI the word 'nigga' has not been used within a racist connotation anywhere in my posts as I have explained.)

3) Which other lower stature word do you suggest I use as a synonym for incoherent? Illegible? Unreadable? Makes no sense?

4) You're insulting my intelligence and the collective intelligence of the thread users by posting in bullshit slang text speak.
Your insulting yourself by posting in manner more befitting a "stereotypical yank nigga" if (as you claim) you are not.

The rest of your post is nothing but presupposition
Basically you're saying to the thread members that you post like an illiterate pleb because you don't think they will understand if you speak properly.

I'm saying you can shove that attitude up your arse.
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Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
Now thats diginified and shows a true love for growing, smoking and the girls that produces the flowers we all demand and care for so much. Keep us posted on whats going on and don't becone a stranger.

Thankyou vey much. I certainly and very much a dedi
Oh so many better places, for one ur gonna have to learn a new language n all that razz,why not Holland or something like that...
Holland you still have to learn anther language.. ! lol Dutch !

Uruguay is supposed to be a beautiful place.



Well-Known Member
i think u blacks is missing the point

thers 2 typesof nigger and nigga

nigga is not rasist more lke sappnin nigga!

now nigger, thats straight up cotton picking johhny rebel shit

hope that explains.

not like i care but it seems u lot can call each othe rnigga but soon as we do its shit? man, bet u dont let ya kids play with whites neither? meh, suppose its understadable. sickle cells a biyatch,

look hatting illogical, irrevalent bullshit, meh! guess its just us dumb yorkies.

now dont make me go all gangstar on u nigga!