Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.


Well-Known Member
You lost and confused if you think I changed my view point. I judge Cliven by the stupidity that came out his mouth.
I sit with family and friends on my porch( veranda) quite often in the summer doing nothing but drinking tea, beer, or lemonade and talking . Does that mean we should have learned to pick cotton.
I think it means you don't have air conditioning.


Well-Known Member
of course. it continues to this day.
You can tell because they have to use a separate bathroom facility. In fact denying women equal rights is so pervasive that the process of making women use entirely inadequate, filthy, dirty , disguting dress wearing icon bathroom vs the clean , pine smelling, white halls of urinary justice that us pant wearing icon users love to have as part of our exclusive masculine superiority, that the world over uses it almost exclusively.


Well-Known Member
You can tell because they have to use a separate bathroom facility. In fact denying women equal rights is so pervasive that the process of making women use entirely inadequate, filthy, dirty , disguting dress wearing icon bathroom vs the clean , pine smelling, white halls of urinary justice that us pant wearing icon users love to have as part of our exclusive masculine superiority, that the world over uses it almost exclusively.
That isn't pine smell.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it caused harm. All kinds of harm. So much harm that people who have no effect by it whatsoever are still WHINING about it today.
you complain that there are those who continue to reference this debacle..consider it a reminder for all the current practicing racist brethren, neo nazi's long as that mind set exists, we will continue to VOICE our opinion:

"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."

we will be here to remind you..say, WW Red BnB ? aren't you part of the "no effect" crowd?..why so racist?


Well-Known Member
Im stoned, and high as fuck, at the same time, Bud! On the Super Lemon Haze ...ahh, what a strain she is! Oh yeah, ...and I'd smoke up with that Bundy fella' too!....Ted!.....Nugent..I mean, Ted... Bundy!
meh..we executed him back in 1989 the the old way..swiftly..without eye 's popping out from his skull his onto cheeks..tongue protruding, skin frying current method..o wait! we DID fry him..:oops:


Well-Known Member
I should have guessed your father is terrified of your abuse, too. Do you beat your wife and kids, too?
I'm elderly as well, my chump. And there is only one person I am thinking about beating, at the moment.