Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy with my life. Why do you care who I am? I'm certainly not sitting around smoking rock all day while I cry about whitey keeping me down.

Once again, I have no tolerance for ignorance. Skin color has nothing to do with it.
the fact that you cited what you just did has everything to do with could have said anything yet you chose a stereotypical answer.


Well-Known Member
sheskank started posting in politics about a week ahgo and has been identified as a heavyset racist by half a dozen people in that time.

that's pretty much a record around here.

not even our overweight friend bigotedNracist got so many racism accolades so shortly.


Well-Known Member
btw, I haven't really been following this thing lately as I don't think it deserves much attention, but apparently there is now significant in-fighting on the Bundy Ranch, between the Oathkeepers and the Militia people

So it seems like these guys may end up just all killing / discrediting eachother without much outside effort =]


Well-Known Member
btw, I haven't really been following this thing lately as I don't think it deserves much attention, but apparently there is now significant in-fighting on the Bundy Ranch, between the Oathkeepers and the Militia people

So it seems like these guys may end up just all killing / discrediting eachother without much outside effort =]
I'm not surprised. I'd say most of those guys don't want to be associated with Bundy ' s ignorant remarks.


Well-Known Member
the fact that you cited what you just did has everything to do with could have said anything yet you chose a stereotypical answer.
Is it still a stereotype if it's true?

I'm just glad we have you all here to fight for the black folks. Lord knows they need all the help they can get.


Well-Known Member
btw, I haven't really been following this thing lately as I don't think it deserves much attention, but apparently there is now significant in-fighting on the Bundy Ranch, between the Oathkeepers and the Militia people

So it seems like these guys may end up just all killing / discrediting eachother without much outside effort =]


PS..i don't know is anyone noticed..but you no longer must have 10 characters to's the little things:wink:


Well-Known Member
Is it still a stereotype if it's true?

I'm just glad we have you all here to fight for the black folks. Lord knows they need all the help they can get.
Yes, but you got it backwards. It doesn't become a stereotype unless it is at least a little true.