THC Bomb first grow 4 bubble buckets 600w MH/HPS

Jake onlife

New Member
Greetings my fellow medicine men!
I'm a newbie trying my hand at growing my own medicine. I feel like I'm part of a very old tradition. Anyway, I digress. My details:

4 feminized THC Bomb seeds
Started on rapid rooters, then sure to grow for two weeks until this system arrived, and they've been in the Buuble flow buckets for two weeks, and five weeks total from seed.
Just to add a note about bubble flow buckets: I'm not a fan of the design. It may work well for a large grow but the center third of the light space is useless with this system! I see no reason why a single line through the center couldn't accomplish the same, but it's for another thread. I'm redesigning it for my next grow.

I use FoxFarm complete package plus a few other micros and food for beneficials.
I have a chiller that keeps my water at 68 and the room is always between 70-73.
Humidity hovering around 48.
I use RO water so I add Cal/Mag and Iron
I plan on vegging my plants a bit longer based on their height instead of number of weeks. And harvesting each plant at a different stages of Trichome maturation.
I did have a cal/mag deficiency and lost a couple of leaves :-( but I managed to use the open space to train some of the branches out in to the light.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good!...especially for a first grow. Looks like you went 4 for 4 with the seeds. Did you see what your water temps were without the chiller by chance? Is your chiller in another room and/or are you exhausting it's heat? I've always used chillers, but I also find them counter productive because they require an additional pump within the system, which adds heat. The chillers themselves also use a lot of power and give off copious amounts of heat. Gonna a see if I can get away with it on this next system I'm building. Best of luck.

Jake onlife

New Member
Lookin good!...especially for a first grow. Looks like you went 4 for 4 with the seeds. Did you see what your water temps were without the chiller by chance? Is your chiller in another room and/or are you exhausting it's heat? I've always used chillers, but I also find them counter productive because they require an additional pump within the system, which adds heat. The chillers themselves also use a lot of power and give off copious amounts of heat. Gonna a see if I can get away with it on this next system I'm building. Best of luck.
Thanks jcommerce. Yea my chiller is outside the grow room because of the heat it produces, but it definitely helped as I had to drop iced water bottles twice a day to keep it barely below 72. Now it's at a steady 68.

I only use one pump for the whole thing. It's at the higher end of the recommended pumps for the chiller, and it pushes water from the res in to the chiller, and the chiller out goes directly in to my pots. Water enters at the bottom of the pots, and overflows at the top. It's a rcdwc system called bubble flow buckets for it's combined bubble flow and flood and drain setup.

flower pharm

Well-Known Member
my buckets are on concrete bsmt floor im good till my room hits 84 then chillywater,i asked if youve grown dwc b4 cause dont take this the wrong way i speak from exp. you may want to have some in pots as well at same time so god forbid something does happen your not completly wiped out. hydro is fast growing my personal fav but when things go wrong the go just as attention to the smell of ur water if it smells like dirt ur in trouble!

Jake onlife

New Member
No I hear you. I'm just gonna have to ride this one out, but I think I'm pretty well informed. I come from a biology background and the science part was easy and makes sense. Getting the right equipment wasn't a problem either. So I figured I'm in a good place to try. Although the hope is to use as medical, I'm not too pressed if it all goes south. I can get what I need right now. I just like the idea of growing my own.

flower pharm

Well-Known Member
No I hear you. I'm just gonna have to ride this one out, but I think I'm pretty well informed. I come from a biology background and the science part was easy and makes sense. Getting the right equipment wasn't a problem either. So I figured I'm in a good place to try. Although the hope is to use as medical, I'm not too pressed if it all goes south. I can get what I need right now. I just like the idea of growing my own.
ya wasnt trying to be downer, i lost first dwc crop to and fav. way to grow by far

flower pharm

Well-Known Member
this was winter, room w/light on 68 some nights down to 50-52 water never went above 64.temps werent ideal but it was more inexperence than anything .and by the time i saw symptoms in the visible plant(not in the bucket) it was already to late.


Greetings my fellow medicine men!
I'm a newbie trying my hand at growing my own medicine. I feel like I'm part of a very old tradition. Anyway, I digress. My details:

4 feminized THC Bomb seeds
Started on rapid rooters, then sure to grow for two weeks until this system arrived, and they've been in the Buuble flow buckets for two weeks, and five weeks total from seed.
Just to add a note about bubble flow buckets: I'm not a fan of the design. It may work well for a large grow but the center third of the light space is useless with this system! I see no reason why a single line through the center couldn't accomplish the same, but it's for another thread. I'm redesigning it for my next grow.

I use FoxFarm complete package plus a few other micros and food for beneficials.
I have a chiller that keeps my water at 68 and the room is always between 70-73.
Humidity hovering around 48.
I use RO water so I add Cal/Mag and Iron
I plan on vegging my plants a bit longer based on their height instead of number of weeks. And harvesting each plant at a different stages of Trichome maturation.
I did have a cal/mag deficiency and lost a couple of leaves :-( but I managed to use the open space to train some of the branches out in to the light.
Nice. Pics??
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