outdoor rural stealth grow


I'm thinking about a possible grow on a plot of land a friend owns. It's pretty low traffic area and he doesn't visit it very often, since he lives a few miles away. My idea was an underground grow, but I need to get power from somewhere for this to work obviously, and I have a few ideas. There is a similar property across the street with an exposed outdoor outlet that I could possibly sap but I have no idea how to go about this. Any suggestions are appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Bad plan dude. Your asking for trouble. Just find an area thats overgrown with weeds and hide a few scattered plants.


Sector 5 Moderator
Ditto on both above advice from me too. Stealing power is a sure way to get caught. Get some autoflower seeds and grow a few here and there; they do not have to have full sun. If you get going now you won't have to worry about the helicopters buzzing around during September / October.


Well-Known Member
And who does this to a friend anyways he will also get time most likely

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Well-Known Member
I'm confused.. Why do you need power for an outdoor grow? Get the plants started at your place with some fluorescent lights or CFL's.. or better yet, both. Veg for a few weeks til they're strong and put them outdoors and not on your friends land.


Well-Known Member
Wvblazins righ not worth getting caught and ontop of that loosing a friend unless he allows it but not a good idea.

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Well-Known Member
Speaking of which how old/big should a plant be grown indoors before moving to outdoors

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Well-Known Member
I normally try to veg for around a month to a month and a half but things got kinda screwy for me this season so I can only veg 2-3 weeks indoors. I guess it just depends on how fast they grow and whether or not you think they'd be able to handle the elements. Just remember to harden them off before you put them under the sun.


Well-Known Member
Well where i am in summer it becomes pritty dry and hot so hopefully that wont affect them too bad. Im in a quiet farm land area where theres heaps of hiding space for them but i have no idea if this area has many ests or not and if ill still have to water them myself. Is there a link to basic outdoor step by steos or tips and tricks that could help

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Well-Known Member
Well where i am in summer it becomes pritty dry and hot so hopefully that wont affect them too bad. Im in a quiet farm land area where theres heaps of hiding space for them but i have no idea if this area has many ests or not and if ill still have to water them myself. Is there a link to basic outdoor step by steos or tips and tricks that could help

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It can be like that here sometimes too.. but mainly hot as hell and very humid in the summer to early fall. I found this for you.. not sure how helpful it will be to you but its worth checking out.


Well-Known Member
Im a beggiber still. Busy with 1st grow but indoors and wanna chuck a few autos outdoors in the bush somewhere

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So no power stealing. And I'm not getting him in trouble. There are no helicopters either this is a rural small town.


Well-Known Member
By trouble im saying that if you get caught he also fakes a hit bcoz its his land. Even if he doesnt go to jail he will still have to u der go questioning and that bull shit

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Well-Known Member
I'm in a rural area as well and you'd be surprised where the pot choppers pop up. In my area it seems as if they hit one area hard for a year or two then won't come back for a while.. and when they come back its always unexpected. Rural areas are where people like to grow.