Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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New Member

I am in the craziest fucking mood ever. LMAO!!!
I just made my first real hash and it looks like it worked out great.
Oh yeahhh:hump:
I AM excited. :mrgreen:

I LOVE hash woman.

so I have some nice buds to add and some fine fine hash....

and I have some chocolate brownie bear paws too.:hump:

mmmmmmmmmm! Love my chcolate girl but I would be willing to share my bear paws wif you. ??:D||
lmfao, Lacy, I'm too high! I walked right into that one and didn't even see it coming.


New Member
I thought that the stuff in the blue bag would be really good but I don't know. Its a lot greener than the stuff in the black bag. I know the stuff in the red bag is garbage but......

Ok I'm kind of confused :(


Well-Known Member
Come on Lacy, MAKE that hash! I'm not going to bed until you do! And I have work in the morning, so be considerate and get it done soon, lol


New Member
Ok. Thats good then. I don't have as much as I thought but this is only my first time around. There is still tomorrow and the next day.:D
you have one it's just not green. it's the 220 bag. the 220 catches the bad stuff. you can save this and dry it and use it for cooking. the next 2 bags catch the hash.
Come on Lacy, MAKE that hash! I'm not going to bed until you do! And I have work in the morning, so be considerate and get it done soon, lol
:shock:Oh a demanding woman now. I'm not sure if I do well on command....but for you:hug: OK!

The stuff in my hand is actually a lot lighter green than the picture shows. I was so excited I forgot to take lots of pictures. :|
Hey its late here too.



New Member
I still have to dry press the other stuff but just thought I would put a bit in my hand to show you.

Taa daaaaaaaaaaaa!
I did it:D
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