Getting clones to root


Well-Known Member
Yes but the longest time for roots to show I've heard of is 3 weeks and
those cuttings were taken from a flowering plant.
My different strains take anywhere from 9 to 17 days when the cuts are taken from
either vegging or flowering plants.


Well-Known Member
Always from vegging plants but let me ask this. How much should you let them develop roots before putting in veg?
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I got busy and I thought for sure others
would weigh in on your legit questions.
They are in veg as soon as you see roots and can be placed in soil etc...but
it's best to let the roots grow out just a little bit or more before putting in soil
or any other medium.
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Well-Known Member
If you can get your hands on a turboklone.. you'll have some sweet roots within 4-6 days :-)


Well-Known Member
I've used rapid rooters and ez cloners and I've never gone longer than 3 weeks. If there are any nutes in the water they could take forever. Roots shoot out in search of food so there isn't much need to search if they are being fed.

I tend to let my roots run wild before I transplant them but I am in dwc. For soil an inch of clustered roots work well just be sure to keep the soil very moist for the first couple of days for the transition. I snip a few leaves before they go in the cloner and when I transplant because it also creates a drive to root, again seeking nutes to repair.


Well-Known Member
Does the amount of fan leaves on the cutting make a difference? More or less better or no difference?
I would think it has an effect on it. No fan leaves would take forever. Little fan leaves would root faster I think. I just make sure there's a decent amount and if they're too big, I cut them in half. I also make my clones about 3-8 inches long.. I don't measure so I'm not really sure but there's not many short..they're all I would say at least 6 inches.


Well-Known Member
The logic behind trimming the leafs is they are stored food and energy and by trimming them you are depriving it of its stored food so it has to make roots to find food.


well, maybe that's the problem then. Most have had a few decent leave on em. I'll trim from here on out and see if that makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
I have my turbokloner placed in a 3'x3'x6' tent lying on it's side down, and use a small 4 flouro tubes low profile hanging inside above it about 16'' from the top of the turbokloner. I keep the door flapped unzipped.. I also don't have a humidity dome and my temps are 76F-81F 40-55% humidity, but it's slightly higher inside the tent even though the door is not zipped. I also sprayed my mothers with clonex spray and the clones themselves once they were placed into the cloner.. says it stimulates roots but I can't say it's a huge factor because I've had success without using it also.


Well-Known Member
I have seen one stand . kc brains norther lights special . was a real bitch to get to clone 6 weeks ! others average 2 or 3 weeks.