Cannabis-like Plant


Active Member
Guys, Im looking for a legal plant which I can buy cheap and easily to train a bit for my first marijuana grow... Does anyone know of any plant that is similar to cannabis, like vegging stages, flowering stages, same kind of leaves, nutritional needs etc? Im not trying to fake, just wanna test out my gardening skills

Thx :? I hope this is not too silly :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say tomatoes, because i know they like similar nutes and light cycle but the plant that wackymack posted looks alot like weed!


Active Member
I have heard of basil and tomatoes related with weed but didnt know it was because they are similar. As for cleomes, never heard of it but I searched some pics of it and REALLY looks like weed!! But I want something with the same genetical needs of water etc, not looking like it :mrgreen:

Thx for the tips everyone, really appreciated

Ill post something around if I manage to get growing some basil, tomatoes or even cleomes, though more tips of other plants are also appreciated

As for growing real weed that would be the best, but if I ordered some seeds they would probably get to the hands of someone else ( more people live in my house than me, parents... ) and that would be BAD. Im sure this dilema happens to lots of people around the world, any tips?



Well-Known Member
get a bag seed and give it a go! lol
Thats what you should do, why bother with something similar?
If you need to grow something similar, grow it also and see what happens with both plants.
The cloemes even have a skunky smell and the stems get sticky with resin. Easily available in the US.
Will this be an indoors stealth grow?
Are you trying to just grow something untill you have some privacy from the rents?


Active Member
Bagseeds, I dont know where to get them, never understood what it even means...

As for indoor, yes I will probably grow stealth indoors, or maybe outdoors on my backyard, I want a similar plant so people can see that Im spending money for growing some plant for fun, and then I could use it on a marijuana grow...


Well-Known Member
hey man, bagseeds are seeds you get sometimes when you buy some weed or i think u can also just buy seeds of ure dealer. But ive never done this just straight to the good ones, lol. Yea u got a good strategy going there with ure rents and stuff.
Peace and good luck on ure grow!:peace:


Active Member
Thx for ur comments everyone, all tips were appreciated
And I finnally know what bagseeds are!!! But I think my dealer doesnt have them, the weed he sells don't usually have seeds but Ill ask him



Well-Known Member
i dont know but there might be some plant in the same family as cannabis is in(Cannabaceae)
that is a bit similar bcus the most of them have distinct male and female plants

like hop or something :)

and i know there are some of u that think that cannabis is the only plant
that have distinct male and female plants but thats not totaly correct
