Pheno Hunt - Paradise Seeds' Ice Cream (Hydro Style)


Well-Known Member
I really think I will be inclined to try it again. What is it white widow x bubblegum or something..All the smoke reports I've read have been very positive. People saying things like " made me walk into a glass door in public" " felt like walking on the moon" " felt like a lucid dream". Good couchlock and good head high and killer looks and smell. Though, there is a few phenos to sort through I think.


Well-Known Member
I really think I will be inclined to try it again. What is it white widow x bubblegum or something..All the smoke reports I've read have been very positive. People saying things like " made me walk into a glass door in public" " felt like walking on the moon" " felt like a lucid dream". Good couchlock and good head high and killer looks and smell. Though, there is a few phenos to sort through I think.
Ha ha....yep. That's sounds like the Ice Cream. And, yes, White Widow X Bubblegum genetics.


Well-Known Member
And on the 7th day, she didn't rest like God did...she put forth roots! The clones have continued to grow slightly the entire time since being cut, and they're taking up nutes too. My clone recipe is about 350ppm, and when I've done a rez change, the ppms have been about 280. There were no roots yesterday a.m. and last night they started popping out. Today, about 90% are showing roots. What's odd is that they never got warts like I'm used to seeing.

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Well-Known Member
looks real good! sorry the bubble cloner got scrapped, mine has come in handy quite a bit. btw I'm sold on the superthrive!
come check me out I just dropped some more pictures!


Well-Known Member
Pruning and topping slaughter of the mothers last night...then you can see how they've rebounded today. Also some pics of the clones at 10 days. Gonna move them to the ebb & flood pre-veg table on day 14.

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Well-Known Member
Transferred the clones to the ebb/flood and did full mother rez changeouts with Clearex and pruned the roots. The mother roots were either about 3 feet long or were ratted up like a bad honkey dreads. I pruned the 3 footers back to about 1 foot. I had to transfer one mother from a net pot to a bucket lid so I had to prune those roots back to the net pot for removal....plant didn't even droop...nada...happy as a clam. Just goes to show how flexible hydro is and how resilient this plant can be when done correctly. It always cracks me up when I see hydro videos when people say "oh, you have to be so gentle with these roots, they're very sensitive".

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Well-Known Member
1 week old veg clones culled from 23 to 12 (will narrow to 8 for flower). Took another dozen clones just for the hell of it, as backups to mothers, and they all rooted yesterday (day 6)

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Well-Known Member
Just rollin along....a few clone shots (these are the days of maintenance and waiting). Ran into a phosphorus deficiency in the mothers by running them too low (5.5 - 5.6 ph) and it reared its ugly head VERY quickly. I did a 5 gallon rez change on all reservoirs and Ph balanced to 6.0 - 6.1 Ph. After 24hrs, it seems to have stopped it in its tracks, but we'll see. This strain (as I seem to recall from many moons ago), seems to like a very finite balance in Ph. Too high and it displays calcium deficiencies, and too low, it can't uptake N and P well. In the many grows I've done between running Ice Cream, I realize I've become too lenient on my Ph regimens. Back in the relatively newbie days, I'd always strive for a 5.8 Ph, and it got me a cover on (Ice Cream) for a month back in 2010. Now, I realize I'm being too liberal with it and I have to go back to my old ways.

If you treat this strain right, she will reward you like no other.. Have topped veggies several times...hard to tell, at this point, which 2 - 3 phenos (out of 6) are really da shit and are deserving of a flower run.

Anywhooo, here are some backup mother clones at 10 days.

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Well-Known Member
Classic case of early - mid phosphorus deficiency. Started seeing it in the mothers a couple of days ago and it advanced rapidly in the lower, older growth. Ph was too low for too many days (5.5 - 5.6). Decided to do rez changes and I'm letting them sit in some 6.0 R/O water for a few hours, then will add nutes and always keep this strain in the 5.7 - 5.9 range. I'm probably going to add 1/4 Pro Bloom nutes and 3/4 Pr Grow nutes just to juice of the P levels a bit while they bounce back. Finicky little bitches. They'll be fine....




Well-Known Member
Here's a testament as to how quickly a deficiency can bust out on you in hydro, especially DWC (phosphorus deficiency). It was hitting individual leaves on some plants, but it was striking the entire branch on this mother. I was very, very tempted to cut this entire branch off of the main mother plant (the rest of the plant isn't nearly as bad), but I'm going to let it go. I assume this branch will recover based upon the actions mentioned below, but right now it looks like a hunk of shit. I HATE seeing this shit...but the right maneuvers will correct it, I'm sure....anywhoo.....

Evasive action took place. I changed out all reservoirs (2 mother & I pre-veg) and started from scratch, essentially. Gave them fresh nutes, with a little bump of 1/4 flowering nutes to bump the phosphorus, and they are at 320ish ppm and 5.9 ph (ph'd with Silica Blast). Gonna run this strain close to the vest, 5.6 - 5. 9. She's a finicky gal, but I'll be damned if she doesn't reward in the end.

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Well-Known Member
Backup Mother Clones: Day 13 (100% rooted)

Turbo Klone
Room Temp: 77F
Water Temp: 77.5F
Humidity: 40% - 50%
Pump: 24/7
Ph: 5.8 - 5.9

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Well-Known Member
^^^ Ha ha ha.

Here are some pics of the phenos' move to the tent. Currently dimmed at 600 watts with 200 watts of T5 blue reef lighting.

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Through the Gorilla window:



Well-Known Member
Awesome! Getting ready to see some dank ice cream buds. So true on the Potassium too, just figured this out myself. I grew my last plant with 'chilli focus' from growth technology which is 3:1:5 with all the micros and yielded at least twice what I normally get. The P thing is a myth.. good to see your on it.