Advice needed pls help


Active Member
Cool nice and big, guessing 2.4m is the height?

If you are growing sativas with 600w per plant you're gonna end up with like 18 oz a plant :D


Active Member
Yeah like I say, veg them until they are HALF the maximum you can deal with. They double in size in flower sometimes more, you will have to tie the branches down.

So, let's say that with the lights at their highest setting, you do the "back of the hand" test to see how close your plants can be and find that point to be, let's say, 45 cm from the ceiling, you have 1.95m potential grow height. Then subtract your pots and stands from that, for arguments sake let's say 45 cm again, giving you 1.5m grow space. So you can veg them until they are 75cm tall. Topping them along the way makes them grow more bushy and short which will help max your plants out.

Of course, you need to do the maths for yourself, those are just made up numbers there, but you get the idea...

King of Jah

Active Member
Yeah ill have to do the math but sound pretty close even if I grew them to 50 cm id be ok with that.
They might double to tripple in flower.

I think they are about 20cm after 6 weeks so im hoping 13 weeks will get me the size I need after topping and all

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Active Member
Are you sure that is 1.5 metres wide??! It looks more like 1.5 feet wide to me! Or is that a vegging space, and you are moving to a much bigger room for flowering?

Plants looking nice and bushy, but I'm no expert they just look nice to me :D

King of Jah

Active Member
This is my veg room ill be moving them to the flower room once they are big enough still havent got a pic of my flower room yet ill do that tomorrow

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King of Jah

Active Member
Im also having issue with sound can any body help its the sound of airflow
I need to make it quiter some how

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Well-Known Member
Im also having issue with sound can any body help its the sound of airflow
I need to make it quiter some how

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as far as loud ventilation... it is either the fan itself or the sound of air moving in the ducts, vibrating them. If it is the air flow then create less wind resistance, ie. a larger duct works very well, also duct insulation, and straighten the ducts if possible. otherwise, get a quieter fan or a fan controller so you can turn down the speed which will make things quieter.

King of Jah

Active Member
Nothing is vibrating its just the airflow sound.
Where can I get a cheap fan controller

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Active Member
Get one from your local hydro shop. A cheap one could burn out your fan, get a decent one.

You might find that you still need to run your fans at such a speed that there is still too much noise, in which case try:

-Make any curves as long and smooth as possible - no right angles if you can avoid it!
-As mentioned before, use acoustic ducting - it really works very well
-Box your fan in with some Kingspan, or do what I did and wrap it in a duvet and strap it up with bungees.

I did all of the above and went from "jet engine taking off" to "PC running quietly".


Well-Known Member
Nothing is vibrating its just the airflow sound.
Where can I get a cheap fan controller

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something is vibrating, that's what sound is... things vibrating. probably the best solution to loud airflow is a larger duct, and/or slower fan.