i need help please people advise and correct me


Active Member
:?hello people good day to you all ,,,,,right this is my problem ive put 30 seeds in peat jiffy bags and placed them in a heated propagator 4 have started growing thay are very long(have long stems)all the rest have not shown them sellf i think i may have put the seeds to deep if so can i put them closer to the serface,,,also im putting them under a 600w light in the day with some i have in flower then remove them and put them in my window please avise,,,,,thankyou:peace:ps ive got skunk no1:shock:


Well-Known Member
:?hello people good day to you all ,,,,,right this is my problem ive put 30 seeds in peat jiffy bags and placed them in a heated propagator 4 have started growing thay are very long(have long stems)all the rest have not shown them sellf i think i may have put the seeds to deep if so can i put them closer to the serface,,,also im putting them under a 600w light in the day with some i have in flower then remove them and put them in my window please avise,,,,,thankyou:peace:ps ive got skunk no1:shock:
Go and read the growfaq do some research then start again LOL.:joint:


Well-Known Member
sounds like ure little fellas are stretching. Move em closer to the light, but dont burn em, just sorta test the heat with your hand. Move em closer quick so the ones that havent popped outta the jiffy pellets dont stretch too.
Peace, hav a good day


Active Member
thanks so are you saying put them under a 600w buld in a tent ank keep light on for 24hours a day if so how for away from light


Well-Known Member
For seedlings and a 600 watt light, like 4 feet away maybe more.

You really shouldnt use big lights for seedling, its too easy to fry them.


Well-Known Member
hey i agree with the goddess. i would probably use cfl's or a weaker hps if you have one. but if you dont, then you gotta figure out the height and stuff as you dont wanna fry em.


Active Member
From what ive read a fluorescent light works best at your stage. If you have messed up the seeds like woomeister said do some research and start again. It couldn't of taken more than 2 weeks to get where you are. If their stretching move the light closer. If they stretch too much replant them so part of the stem is under the soil. Works wonders. Dont forget to get a fan in there for a slight breeze.