subway stores in the uk cave to islamic demands..


Well-Known Member
That's because you're devolved and still have the retard clusters in your brain.

Theists are all suffering from a vestigal mental illness that tries to explain the vastness of the universe to a primitive mind with "God done did it".
As opposed to the "scientific" belief of "BANG! There it is!"


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's not a blanket bigoted statement.

Since Muslims don't eat out, is that why you don't date them?

Black people don't tip for shit either, ask any waiter. And that is why they get shitty service.
No. Muslims won't date HER.


Well-Known Member
so subway introduced sharia law to england then?
Foothold means introduced? Imagine that.

You claim to have no idea of incremental-ism. Seem unlikely since it would mean you are asleep at the switch regarding your own Party's intention.

Sky is well aware of the incremental improvements her Party is engaged. It is a mulit-generational play.

Do try to keep up.


Well-Known Member
Foothold means introduced? Imagine that.

You claim to have no idea of incremental-ism. Seem unlikely since it would mean you are asleep at the switch regarding your own Party's intention.

Sky is well aware of the incremental improvements her Party is engaged. It is a mulit-generational play.

Do try to keep up.
you go on chasing your bigoted, xenophobic islamobunnies.

the rest of us who live in reality and know what the first amendment precludes and allows will continue laughing at you bigots and morons.


Well-Known Member
In your neighborhood, Sparkle Pony, is it integrated? To what degree?

Segregated is it not?
Integrated? Segregated?

It's not fucking pre 90's South Africa, people live whereever they want, buy/sell what they want and live how they want.

We're not all skin colour obsessed racists like the Americans.


Well-Known Member
Integrated? Segregated?

It's not fucking pre 90's South Africa, people live whereever they want, buy/sell what they want and live how they want.

We're not all skin colour obsessed racists like the Americans.
OK, just the 10 neighbors all around? All _____________


Well-Known Member
doer, tell me more about how subway's decision, independent of all government mandate or dictate is the beginning of sharia law.

i used to think your little islamaphobic grudge was cute, but now i can see you truly are out of your fucking mind and a bit obsessed to boot.
I know some very smart people who share Doers obsession most are not Americans
these people are convinced that Muslims are hell bent on taking over the world as we know it
spending much of their time researching Muslims looking for clues n plots to validate their beliefs

for these people the sky is falling, you can't convince them Muslims are not a threat

Islamophobic* it's an o not an a :)



Well-Known Member
I know some very smart people who share Doers obsession most are not Americans
these people are convinced that Muslims are hell bent on taking over the world as we know it
spending much of their time researching Muslims looking for clues n plots to validate their beliefs

for these people the sky is falling, you can't convince them Muslims are not a threat

Islamophobic* it's an o not an a :)

Islamic, black, white, fucking green for all I care...

I don't give a fuck, unless they've a tank, Im king of my castle.


Well-Known Member
Dude within a stones throw of my house are Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, Europeans of all flavours, Thai, Africans, Russians...

But yeah, no diversity.

(There's even a few Americans, the dirty illegals that they are)
Ah cool. When you get around to asking me, I have to say White White White, in every direction, for 2 houses. :) Then, the rainbow.

Damn ugly Americans. For that I am quite proud.