RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
changes all start in the kitchen imho
Im totally gonna have to second that, I have hardly broken a sweat since you help me become vegetarianish and lost over 15 kg so far.

My new workout shoes are also pretty fetch.
Hahahah youre starting to make me laugh like bigsby used to. I would fucking love those shoes for tripping man oh my goooood yes please

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Oh absolutely. I wouldn't expect to gain anything without some sacrifice. I was just picturing those "only eat this" "diets"...or, like "Hey I only eat construction paper, but I can have as much of it as I want" sort of "diet" ya know...I would love to get into some actual healthier eating.
The thing that has worked *best* for me, is to limit the "food from a box" stuff (frozen pizza, chicken pot pie, which, alas, doesn't have pot in it! Go figure? And other high calorie/fat foods) and sadly, to limit alcohol. (I love a frosty Ninkasi)

I know I tend to eat/drink WAY more when I'm unhappy (aka suicidal -- just killing self slowly thru food/alcohol, as opposed to quicker methods), so addressing those unhappy areas of my life, and changing them works best for me.

I've experienced a recent string of really happy events lately, and huh? I'm losing weight because I'm happy, and I feel like eating spinach, and walking the dogs. I've also gotten a FUCKING FABULOUS new job with bennies (and they don't drug test!). I'm working with gardeners, and food pantry people, and it's so mother fucking happy with this crowd. They're SO nice (I'm the pessimist at the office). It's been a while, but I'm actually happy going to work, and the home life is smooth too.

It's been so hard for SOOO long, I 'm internally skeptical -- and can't fully accept the happiness. Keep waiting for the hammer to fall.

Epic Overshare. Sorry. I really adore you guys (gals) sometimes


Well-Known Member
The thing that has worked *best* for me, is to limit the "food from a box" stuff (frozen pizza, chicken pot pie, which, alas, doesn't have pot in it! Go figure? And other high calorie/fat foods) and sadly, to limit alcohol. (I love a frosty Ninkasi)

I know I tend to eat/drink WAY more when I'm unhappy (aka suicidal -- just killing self slowly thru food/alcohol, as opposed to quicker methods), so addressing those unhappy areas of my life, and changing them works best for me.

I've experienced a recent string of really happy events lately, and huh? I'm losing weight because I'm happy, and I feel like eating spinach, and walking the dogs. I've also gotten a FUCKING FABULOUS new job with bennies (and they don't drug test!). I'm working with gardeners, and food pantry people, and it's so mother fucking happy with this crowd. They're SO nice (I'm the pessimist at the office). It's been a while, but I'm actually happy going to work, and the home life is smooth too.

It's been so hard for SOOO long, I 'm internally skeptical -- and can't fully accept the happiness. Keep waiting for the hammer to fall.

Epic Overshare. Sorry. I really adore you guys (gals) sometimes
This is so cool to hear. I'm stoked that you're stoked. Grats on the new job. That's fucking radical things are going your way. I know how you feel though - inner skepticism - just gotta keep that positive mental attitude - and no one / nothing can stand in your way.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
FUCK "weight loss".

Diet is the key to your existence. You are what you eat, and if you eat a bunch of shit, your body will reflect that. You may not like "healthy" foods, but that's probably because you have conditioned yourself to eat foods high in fat, sugar, salt, and other bullshit. Recondition yourself to view food as FUEL and not a "treat", and after time, it will taste better, and you will actually be able to enjoy the NATURAL sweetness common in fruits, and the NATURAL flavors found in veggies. FUCK salt, FUCK butter, and FUCK any other fattening bullshit used to "flavor" your foods.

Whatever you do, do it carefully and consistently, and you will improve your quality of life.

Best of luck.
This will sound ridiculous, but I eat healthier now, partly because I have a pet rabbit! We spoil the shit outta him, and he requires a LOT of veggies per week.

I buy so many more vegetables, and I don't want them to go to waste. (because, DOG FORBID, he has to eat the same thing 2 days in a row). I also have an entire garden for him, and I snitch stuff daily.

I've noticed that I don't ache as much as I used to, since eating healthier. It's an age/rabbit thing, I guess.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
You need a better connect with food, that's the biggest problem in weight loss.
Who doesnt have 30 min to prepare a meal for themselves? Make double and eat the leftovers for lunch. Processed, prepared food is TERRIBLE for you. Learn to cook, its rewarding. Find a few recipes you like, go to a farmers market, drink water, be healthy!
Eat normal sized portions. Etc..

As far as working out..nothing beats old school calisthenics. Body resistance. Pushups, pullups, crunches, two leg and one leg squats. Kettle bell as ppreviously posted is a great idea.
Coming out of boot camp everybody who was overweight lost it and everybody who was under weight gained it...not one iron plate was lifted
I totally agree.......some starter recipes:


They're actually very common sense recipes, and tips, but isn't that what we want, in the long haul?

Maybe when weed is legalized next Fall, they'll add low fat pot brownie recipes?

Silly String

Well-Known Member
This is so cool to hear. I'm stoked that you're stoked. Grats on the new job. That's fucking radical things are going your way. I know how you feel though - inner skepticism - just gotta keep that positive mental attitude - and no one / nothing can stand in your way.
I was never a pessimist before...but sometimes you get SO beaten down, you wake up, and it's a habit. Tough to break that one.

It helps that I get PAID for travel, and I actually lol when I'm diving off to a meeting. I just bought my first new (to me) car in 20 years. Schweet Ass Mini Cooper Convertible. Pinworm, I'll take you for a spin, if I ever have a conference in the Bay. Mebbe some Salsa dancing in the Mission, then some pupusas at 3 am, across the street. Sign I miss *home* so much sometimes. .


Well-Known Member
I was never a pessimist before...but sometimes you get SO beaten down, you wake up, and it's a habit. Tough to break that one.

It helps that I get PAID for travel, and I actually lol when I'm diving off to a meeting. I just bought my first new (to me) car in 20 years. Schweet Ass Mini Cooper Convertible. Pinworm, I'll take you for a spin, if I ever have a conference in the Bay. Mebbe some Salsa dancing in the Mission, then some pupusas at 3 am, across the street. Sign I miss *home* so much sometimes. .
You...I like you. I'm totally down.

I have to warn you, though, it might be tough to keep up with these hot moves.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
And Cuba Libres. Those help too. Anyone can Salsa with a coupla those in their system. If that's all you have for calorie intake that day, you can totally lose weight, too.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if it has already been told here but dont use microwaves if you want to lost some weight! Microwaves are banned in Russia because they are actually quit dangerous for the health and weight! Cooking something in a microwaves is similar to drop a nuke above you food and then eat the radioactive fallout? They destroy every mineral, everything in the cooked food and just let the fat and some other nasty shit in it


Undercover Mod
Start of day Four I'm down another 2 pounds. So far down 6 out of 30. I'm really proud of myself I've been sticking to it.

Like I said before grains and processed grains are a trigger for me to over eat. So I am altering my diet so I eat little to few.

I'm basically eating raw veggies and fruits. Also still eating eggs and taking protein shakes.