Simple Lighting Questions :)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

So i got a tent (4X2x4) going with about ten plants in it, with a 200 watt ft and 3 t5 sunblaster 28watt each

not enough light i know...

i was thinking of adding another 200 watt cfl, cuz i need the t5s for the girls i just planted

is it better for me to add 2 100 watt cfls to cover more distance or will the 200 watt cfl be fine,
(actual wattage not equivalent)

I really only got about 200 dollars CDN to spend,

Iv tried to stay away from the smaller cfls , ones were you plug in 6 bulbs or whatever, for some reason
but guess im open to suggestions

heat is an issue, so having any MH is out of the question unfortunately

one thing i notice is i had 3 girls going under the 200 watt cfl and they were growiing great

but when i planted 8 seeds and put them under the 3 t5s they grew at an incredible rate
so after saying that is it better for me to add 3 or 4 t5s

obliviously buying one 200 watt clf is the easiest cuz 1 bulb but whatever
guess im looking at the most possible and easiest solution to adding a bit more light :)

dont really need to go into too much detail with any answers, i am familiar with lights n lumen and stuff like that , just want your guys suggestions :)

im pretty much vegging them inside cuz the weather is 2 cold for me to put them out soon



Active Member
Hey there!

It's hard to give estimates to help you along without seeing your setup. So I'll just try to "wing it!"

Do you have a reflector for the additional CFLs? I would recommend using 2 x 100 watt bulbs, to cover more distance, at the expense of intensity.

If you use one 200-watt bulb, you might possibly create a hotspot, and you wouldn't have as even distribution of light as you would if you placed the 2 100-watt bulbs parallel to each other, to spread the light out evenly.

And you'd most likely get more lumens per watt using the 2 x 100s (more efficient).


Well-Known Member
Hey there!

It's hard to give estimates to help you along without seeing your setup. So I'll just try to "wing it!"

Do you have a reflector for the additional CFLs? I would recommend using 2 x 100 watt bulbs, to cover more distance, at the expense of intensity.

If you use one 200-watt bulb, you might possibly create a hotspot, and you wouldn't have as even distribution of light as you would if you placed the 2 100-watt bulbs parallel to each other, to spread the light out evenly.

And you'd most likely get more lumens per watt using the 2 x 100s (more efficient).

hmm i was thinking the 2 100 watts to cover most distance,

heres a picture so u can get a better idea of whats it looks like

i dont have the reflector i really want one, so hoepfully the store i go to on sunday has one

figure i start a few seeds do a few under a 200 watt cfl, before i put them out side, next thing u know i got ten nice plants

i do have the 200 watt 2700k for flowing but prob better to add another 6400 k bulb eh ?

thanks for the reply



Well-Known Member
as you can see its kinda half ass wiht string holding lights and a mini fan, but ill get some more proper equipment when i go to the store this week :)


My input dont grow 10 plants no need cfls cant cover it efficient grow like that (worth the time).more like 2 because 2 plants would love to capture all that light better than 10 plants sharing and catching less light, plus you can pull of 2x better quality and should use 300 watts


Active Member
I have 128W 8,440 lumens on my 1 plant. Growing great, a bit slower than expected but what the hey right!


Well-Known Member
i lucked out and got 125 watt n 200 watt cfl from a friend who wasnt using them

I just had to get the sockets n cord

guy at store told me to get a mogul socket and wire a power/extension cord to it , so gave a try , plugged in and they work

I took a few pics, but dont have the two lights on right now,

got a reflector for one of the lights ill set up tomorrow

these are all going outside,

strain is dutch treats :)

