My 2nd Grow - Blueberry & MasterKush


Well-Known Member
sorry guys, my wireless broadband card isn't working cuz I dropped it so I wasn't able to upload any pics last night. I'm going by verizon today on my lunch break to hopefully get a new card if they're not too much...If I'm not able to get the new broadband card I'll upload some pics on monday...


Well-Known Member
awwww. that's disappointing. hopefully they're not too much! i looked and it looks like they're about 50-100 dollars. just looking out for you. :)

looking forward to the pics.


Well-Known Member
great set up!!!! i have a very similar set up.. only i have never used the drip.... congrats on the healthy plants ya have, and hopefully ya can do some cloning during this batch....



Well-Known Member
awwww. that's disappointing. hopefully they're not too much! i looked and it looks like they're about 50-100 dollars. just looking out for you. :)

looking forward to the pics.
yeah I think they're about $50 so I shouldn't have a problem getting one. My wife and I are trying not to spend ANY money before our trip to Amsterdam in 20 days so that would be the only reason I would wait but there's no way I'm waiting 20 days to update my

great set up!!!! i have a very similar set up.. only i have never used the drip.... congrats on the healthy plants ya have, and hopefully ya can do some cloning during this batch....

thanks bro, yeah no doubt I'm taking clones this time. I'm taking 3 or 4 from each of the 6 plants hoping to get at least 1 to root from each plant and then after these 6 are done flowering I'll choose which clone is gonna be a mother plant. I'm gonna do some more research on drip systems and maybe set one up on my next grow...


Well-Known Member
does anyone know what causes the leaves to look like they have rust on them? On all 3 of my masterkush plants they have several leaves that look like they have rust spots on them and I have no idea what it is. None of the blueberry have the same problem so I'm guessing it's something specific to the strain but again I have no idea...all 6 plants look healthy so it can't be that bad but I was just wondering if there was something I could do to get rid of it...


Well-Known Member
I had to run by my house on my lunch break so I took a few pics. Day 24 from seed. I have them on a 20/4 light schedule right now and they always seem to be droopy when the lights are turning back on. I don't know why but the temp & humidity levels are fine when the lights are out.

I took a couple close up pics of the masterkush leaves that have what looks like rust spots on them and also a shot of the kush so you can see the plant itself is actually looking good. It's only the kush, none of the blueberry's leaves look like this. I recently raised the PPM from 300 to 580 so maybe the masterkush is just sensitive to me adjusting the nutes. It's bothering me because it seems like it's on alot of the leaves. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!



Well-Known Member
Nutes are getting on them. did you splash them with some Nutes? hope its not contagious. I wouldnt trip, just extra H2O.
Just Flush With 6.0ph room temp water or add some to your Resourvoir.
Looks great, glad we Dont smoke Leaves Though, you know.


Well-Known Member
Nutes are getting on them. did you splash them with some Nutes? hope its not contagious. I wouldnt trip, just extra H2O.
Just Flush With 6.0ph room temp water or add some to your Resourvoir.
Looks great, glad we Dont smoke Leaves Though, you know.
thanks rosey, I don't think there's any way nutes got on them because I mix my nutrient solution in a different room but yeah I've stopped worrying about it only because they're all growing really fast now and the new growth looks good with no spots.
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Well-Known Member
what the fuck is up everyone??...and no the old lady didn't bust me this time but photobucket deleted all of my fkn pics and it really pissed me off so I took a little break and now I'm using my old account again. My blueberry/kush grow is going really good. I think it's around day 30 of flowering but I'll find out for sure when I get home today. I'll try to get some pics uploaded tonight and yes I'll remember to set them to private on photobucket!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks bro, I'll do my best to get some pics up tonight...and I'm sure you can all imagine but the trip to Amsterdam was fucking amazing!! My wife and I have officially decided where we're retiring!!


Well-Known Member
My favorite place in the world.. even without legal bud, that place is fucking great!!! So what was your fav coffee shop? Did ya make to grey area??


Well-Known Member
I didn't go to grey area but we went to about 17 different shops. My favorite had to be greenhouse but not their big shop, they had a small shop by our hotel that was awesome, great bud and great atmosphere! We liked the small shops much better than the big chains like grasshopper & bulldog. I walked out of the grasshopper after I saw their prices!

I may be leaning more towards it since I grew it my 1st time but trainwreck was probably my favorite bud we smoked, we got some after smoking all day basically and it still knocked both of us on our asses. It was either that or snow white, that shit was amazing too!! Oh and cheese from greenhouse was really good too, that was the first time I had tried it.

I brought back 9 grams of hash, some nepal creme, pakastani and i forgot the name of the third kind but as you can imagine they're all the best hash I could find. And I brought back some trainwreck seeds that I stared germinating on saturday and 3 of the 5 have popped so far. I wish I would have taken clones from the wreck I grew!!


Well-Known Member
I didn't go to grey area but we went to about 17 different shops. My favorite had to be greenhouse but not their big shop, they had a small shop by our hotel that was awesome.

I may be leaning more towards it since I grew it my 1st time but trainwreck was probably my favorite bud we smoked, we got some after smoking all day basically and it still knocked both of us on our asses. It was either that or snow white, that shit was amazing too!! Oh and cheese from greenhouse was really good too, that was the first time I had tried it.

I brought back 9 grams of hash, some nepal creme, pakastani and i forgot the name of the third kind but as you can imagine they're all the best hash I could find. And I brought back some trainwreck seeds that I stared germinating on saturday and 3 of the 5 have popped so far.

YOu brought back or the wife did???:twisted: THe greenhouse that you liked, was it the on in the redlight district on the canal?? What part of the city was your hotel in? Greay area is off the beaten path so its easy to miss first trip there but I think they have some of the best bud to be found!! How bout damkring, did ya get to check it out? great shop!! best hash in the damn! and how about the food? did ya find anything ya could eat? I had a hard time finding food I liked! And I hate mickey D's~


Well-Known Member
lmao!!! I ate Micky D's 3 times in 6 days and even that tasted different and I had alot of frites from the little street vendors!! I didn't really find any local food that I liked (other than frites & ice cream) but my wife wasn't that dissapointed with the food. yeah the small greenhouse shop that I liked the most was the 1 right on the water. I flattened out the hash into really thin pieces and taped it basically on my inner thighs under my balls, it wasn't any fun at all retrieving it but once I RIPPED it off it was worth it! The seeds I just had floating around in my pocket. No damkring but you're the third person to tell me I should have gone

Our hotel was a block from central station, across the street from Resin coffee shop & there's a small grasshopper on the other side of the street. Tulip Inn Amsterdam Center.


Well-Known Member
lmao!!! I ate Micky D's 3 times in 6 days and even that tasted different and I had alot of frites from the little street vendors!! I didn't really find any local food that I liked (other than frites & ice cream) but my wife wasn't that dissapointed with the food. yeah the greenhouse was the 1 right on the water. I flattened out the hash into really thin pieces and taped it basically on my inner thighs under my balls, it wasn't any fun at all retrieving it but once I RIPPED it off it was worth it! The seeds I just had floating around in my pocket. No damkring but you're the third person to tell me I should have gone

Our hotel was a block from central station, across the street from Resin coffee shop & there's a small grasshopper on the other side of the street. Tulip Inn Amsterdam Center.
I know exactly where you were.. Next time you go you gotta let me help ya out!! a lil further into the city there is a area called leidensplein (spelling??) but it has great hotels and apts in that area and a lot more coffee shops that arent to touristy with incredible bud... the closer you are to central station/redlight district the more touristy it is. THere are good shops in that area but I find the best to be near leidensplein.. did ya happen to go to the hard rock cafe or vandal park? those are both in the area I am talking about.. How about rijks musem or the van gogh musem.. anne frank house?? I know you are probably at work, but ya hit my fav subject!!! lol