First lady 'outraged' .

you keep avoiding my quotes don't you?
What nonsense is this? how does one avoid a quote? If I only choose to reply to certain part of your quote is because that is all it deserves, i have no duty to respond to anything you post, so go pound sand you racist Canadian.
Wow, Canada's population is 3% black? Holy Shit that country must be made up of nothing but former Klan members and Neo Nazis to have so few blacks.
We load people on buses and drive them over the peace bridge at night. Didn't you get the memo?
What nonsense is this? how does one avoid a quote? If I only choose to reply to certain part of your quote is because that is all it deserves, i have no duty to respond to anything you post, so go pound sand you racist Canadian.
Thank you for the schooling Captain Civility.
Wow, Canada's population is 3% black? Holy Shit that country must be made up of nothing but former Klan members and Neo Nazis to have so few blacks.
You do math. Wow.
The Brits abolished slavery.
Pro-tip: wiki is your friend
Klan members and Neo-Nazis don't seem to like the cold.
They self deport. Bwahahahahaaaa!!!!
You do math. Wow.
The Brits abolished slavery.
Pro-tip: wiki is your friend
Klan members and Neo-Nazis don't seem to like the cold.
They self deport. Bwahahahahaaaa!!!!
Seems like neither do black people, or asians or really anything but white people pretty much, the fact that you choose to live there amongst nothing but white on rice, assures us of your racism just as well as disparaging 6 letter words do.
Seems like neither do black people, or asians or really anything but white people pretty much, the fact that you choose to live there amongst nothing but white on rice, assures us of your racism just as well as disparaging 6 letter words do.
wiki is your friend.
That post just revealed your lack of knowledge in a way that I won't go into in public.

I owe you an apology. I'm a tad tired. I grasped your point about 1 minute ago. You want me to understand what it feels like to be hounded by Buck and to be called a racist. I get it.

Now, how can I help?

Btw: a 'pro-tip' if you'll allow me. Rastas is a six-letter word too. We have many of those gents here. Do you want to come up and blaze with some? They usually have great ganj.
NoDrama: I will re-quote for you as you forgot to quote me.

"He's hell bent for leather on racism. I respect that. I respect his wish for everyone to be treated equally. As I have black relatives, believe in treating people equally and am a fair man, yes, I appreciate what he does here. If racists have their little hate party upset, too bad.''

Where did I endorse behaviour you take exception to? "...I appreciate what he does here..." doesn't mean i endorse EVERYTHING he does here.
That's what i said. please re-read this and let's discuss it. With complete civility. I will drop all sarcasm. I'm not here to hurt anyone's feeling though I could take a joke too far. If I do, feel free to let me know and I will discuss it with you. Civilly.

I take exception to name calling. It is counter-productive and unfair to people to do so. If I cross that line hammer me for it, by all means. I cannot control Buck nor is it my job. Let's be clear here, we would all probably feel better if there were less insults and name-calling right? Having said that, if anyone can cite someone else's racism then, by definition, aren't they a racist? If that were the case, then it is a little different than one guy calling another an 'idiot' right?

I will happily work with you, or anyone else, to make RIU the best that it can be. Will you? You can take potshots at me all day and it may appear "really easy to do". Is that your goal? Or will you join me and others to improve the situation? The choice is yours.

You haven't proven my hypocrisy because there isn't any but you're free to continue.

Here it is Nod.
In black and white. Again.
I'm not bilingual.
Can you do that in English?

wiki is your friend.
That post just revealed your lack of knowledge in a way that I won't go into in public.

Amazingly enough I have been using for all of my info.

The grand total of all minorities in Canada is 10% of the population, which means Canada is 90% white.

BTW I am glad you got my point about buck, but let me hound you by calling you a racist for another 5 years, But in the interest of being friendly I will only call you a racist every other post to be easy on you. I only make 200 posts a day, so I can't imagine I would call you a racist any more than 100 or so times a day for the next 5 years, so really you only have to put up with it 182,500 times, not that much really.

Its all for a good cause though, because nothing says tolerance than calling someone who didn't vote for Obama a racist simply because you didn't vote for him.

Also lets not forget that anything Obama does that is bad, Bush did worse so that makes anything Obama does good by comparison.
Btw: a 'pro-tip' if you'll allow me. Rastas is a six-letter word too. We have many of those gents here. Do you want to come up and blaze with some? They usually have great ganj.
Thanks for the invite, but great ganj is really easy to get. No need to involve passports and miles of travel.
Amazingly enough I have been using for all of my info.
If you've been unfairly treated then that's a shame. I don't know the history but I can understand where you're coming from. No one likes being misunderstood.

That's a lot of math. Seems we'll get to know each other very well. In time.
The aggregate numbers are only part of the story.
canada is very urbanized. If you go to Toronto or Montreal they are smaller versions of say, Chicago, except for hispanics. They're here but recent and from S n Central America. Also, not as many but spanish is very common in some areas.
Believe me, Buck has absolutely no desire for all people to be treated equally, not a snowballs chance in a active volcano.
I'll leave you guys to sort this out.

Seriously, re-read what I said. Unless of course you got my point the first time.
But don't forget our DUI laws are pretty strict. They will impound your car even if you don't blow over the limit. Big gov't found a new shake-down. Public safety is the pretext. Also, don't bring your pit-bull. The People's Republic of Ontario banned them.
if ya come to california, ya best not bring any weed, cuz that would be racist!

sure, we like dope, but YOU as a canadian dont have the right to just assume that shit, ya racist canuck!
if ya come to california, ya best not bring any weed, cuz that would be racist!

sure, we like dope, but YOU as a canadian dont have the right to just assume that shit, ya racist canuck!
i completely fail at understanding your point.
oHHH, I get it. I'm a racist for assuming ....
Dr, Keynes, would that not be a stereotype?
Or, am I parsing?
Btw: 'pro-tip' --> you guys totally FAILED to harass me on my gov'ts total fail at resovling Aboriginal issues. Our nation has treated them very shabbily. The reserves here are a shame.
i cant beleive you said "snowball" to a canadian.

youre so racist!
We prefer the term snowbird.
Snowballing is very different. You wouldn't want to make that mistake here. People have been killed over that one. Seriously, don't ever call someone a snowball up here. People not only get very offended they actually get violent. 2 guys died here a month ago at a tim's when one guy used that slur. 18 shots were fired in under a minute.