RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
Hey Balzac I get your grain situation. Im a bit like that too, not with brown rice or my home made whole wheat tortillas. But with refined grains i just want more the next meal.
For your previous post i deduce you work in some kind of foster home or the like? I live right next to one and volunteer helping the kids with english. Great attitude man! If you manage to lose the 30 pounds I will give you a KLITE medal of achievment. Even if you dont im sure youll manage to inspire them to do the same.


Well-Known Member
aww you gotta eat, if you dont have some protein in your body..your body starts "eating" your muscles for energy to run your natural processes. even just laying in bed all day you burn calories. this is also the reason i suggest a high protein source first thing in the morning like eggs or a whey protein shake to stop your body from eating your muscles. i take a casein shake before bed. casein protein is a slow digesting clumping protein, lasts about 8 hrs. natural sources of casein protein are cottage cheese, greek yogurt, milk..


Well-Known Member
also, i get that some of you guys and girls are on the go like work in the morning or dont have time to cook..what i do in a hurry is 12 oz skim milk, scoop protein and like half a cup of raw oatmeal, drink up-32ish g protein and like 35 g carbs. itll keep you going for a while..


Well-Known Member
well its been proven
weightloss is
70% nutrition and 30% fitness.
you can eat shit work out hours everyday and still not loose weight or be healthy
im 5'10 170lbs... i live off fast food mostly. i can sit and eat a whole pizza. everything i eat is on bread or got bread in it. i think its impossible for me to be overweight.. but im just proving your point wrong :D ..also work crazy shifts standing the whole time running around a bar


Staff member
im 5'10 170lbs... i live off fast food mostly. i can sit and eat a whole pizza. everything i eat is on bread or got bread in it. i think its impossible for me to be overweight.. but im just proving your point wrong :D ..also work crazy shifts standing the whole time running around a bar
Yes and no because is said WEIGHTLOSS I wasn't speaking about people with high matabolisma because obviously thy wouldn't need weightloss ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah and a part of the thread could be healthy eating tips. I personally just don't eat. Not a good thing. Anybody gluten free? Heard some interesting stuff about it's better for you.
Not necessarily. Recent research has shown that most people (except those with celiac disease) don't really have even a sensitivity to gluten, much less an intolerance. Much of it is marketing. But that said, some do feel better eating GF. Most (IMHO) feel better b/c when they cut out gluten they are cutting out all the empty carbs like bread, pasta etc. so it's not really that they were gluten intolerant but that they were eating too much starch to begin with. There are tons of articles about it. I tried it, and we put our son on it, no change. my husband tried it and felt better, so go figure.

Dannyboy, you need to eat man! take care of your body. A good way to start is by just eating real food. No shakes, bars or processed crap OR DIET CRAP. Start there.


Undercover Mod
im 5'10 170lbs... i live off fast food mostly. i can sit and eat a whole pizza. everything i eat is on bread or got bread in it. i think its impossible for me to be overweight.. but im just proving your point wrong :D ..also work crazy shifts standing the whole time running around a bar
The road to diabetes is a short one with a diet like that.

You don't have to be fat to be unhealthy.


Undercover Mod
I attempted to jog a bit today. Didn't make it far, but it will improve. I quit smoking cigarettes about three months ago.

I have also been sick for almost two weeks here. Coughing up lumps of green and yellow mucus.
How long do you wait before you go to the docs?


Well-Known Member
im 5'10 170lbs... i live off fast food mostly. i can sit and eat a whole pizza. everything i eat is on bread or got bread in it. i think its impossible for me to be overweight.. but im just proving your point wrong :D ..also work crazy shifts standing the whole time running around a bar
That will catch up to you when you get older, unless you stay active which is a HUGE key in not gaining weight on a terrible diet. My brother has gotten huge. He lives on fast food but doesn't move around very much.

IF you want to lose weight it all boils down to math.

There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. So in order to lose 1 pound of fat you have to burn off 3,500 calories. This can be done by cutting, dieting, exercising yada yada. Basically all you need to do is eat less than your body consumes, and exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Everybody has a different BMR, how much you can consume varies so I would suggest finding out your BMR.

I would also suggest getting a gym membership, that and monitoring how many calories you consume daily is the best/easiest/fastest way to get lose weight and get into shape.

One more thing, don't eat past 6pm if you can. The rate at which your body burns calories slows down at night and while you're sleeping so the later you eat the more likely the food you have eaten will turn into fat and not be burnt off as energy.

If you're going to cut anything out of your diet let it be soda. Nothing puts on fat faster than soda as they're loaded with sugar and calories. Drinking 3 sodas is roughly 450 calories which would be a decent sized healthy meal that would keep you full for a while.
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Well-Known Member
That will catch up to you when you get older, unless you stay active which is a HUGE key in not gaining weight on a terrible diet. My brother has gotten huge. He lives on fast food but doesn't move around very much.

IF you want to lose weight it all boils down to math.

There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. So in order to lose 1 pound of fat you have to burn off 3,500 calories. This can be done by cutting, dieting, exercising yada yada. Basically all you need to do is eat less than your body consumes, and exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Everybody has a different BMR, how much you can consume varies so I would suggest finding out your BMR.

I would also suggest getting a gym membership, that and monitoring how many calories you consume daily is the best/easiest/fastest way to get lose weight and get into shape.

One more thing, don't eat past 6pm if you can. The rate at which your body burns calories slows down at night and while you're sleeping so the later you eat the more likely the food you have eaten will turn into fat and not be burnt off as energy.
lol yeah im way to active. im the person that cant stand still and will burn a trail through your carpet pacing back and forth with nothing to do