Which 5 R.I.U. Members Would You Like To Smoke With?


Well-Known Member
I would love to just one evening have a physical toke and talk experience. Just all the turkeys getting stoned in a room, Bigsby would hafto hafto hafto be there as well as the Finshaggy!
All you turkeys frequently around here, I would love to throw weed at you during a Bongout, like pinworm so elegantly puts it.


Well-Known Member
Dankster, Uncleremis, unclebuck. Butchy, racerboy, pinworm, sunni, md, charface, mohican, singlemalt, hookabelly, growan, chewy, gg707 theres more but im too high for this...i think i agree with charface on the everyone comment

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Well-Known Member
I have a bbq fantasy, it's different than my bamboo cage fantasy.
Everyone from TnT and many from Politics.
Huge bbq: ribs, steak, corn, potato salad, etc.
Massive smoke-out to eat. Massive smoke-out after eating.

That would be pretty fucking Awesome in my books.
You're right. A better idea than my O.P. But Kill, you forgot the MUSIC!!! so:

BBQ ribs, steak, (greens included for me
massive bong hit contest
then MUSIC
massive smoke out
dessert…gotta have dessert


Well-Known Member
You're right. A better idea than my O.P. But Kill, you forgot the MUSIC!!! so:

BBQ ribs, steak, (greens included for me
massive bong hit contest
then MUSIC
massive smoke out
dessert…gotta have dessert
I think the 5 person smoke-out is sweet.
I just had the bbq pop into my head. Prolly cause summers coming. Yeay summers! lol