HELPPP!! Cant tell whats going on with my girls :(!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey there all rollupers!
So girls are on their 25th day
Some yellow spots rushes on one piece of leaf which really gets me worried!
I never fed them until yesterday, I mixed one table spoon of big bloom to 4L water and watered both girls.
Then today i found these:


I think you can see quite clearly that the leave has some yellow thingy on them, they look like paint but i cant scratch em off!


Another shot with my red led off, so sees more clearly

and then you see these darker spots, very different from the upper one, which is BRIGHT yellow.
These 2 problems are on the same girl low flyer

and there is one dark spot on this girl, the candy cane!

Any help would be greatly appreaciated!
Not sure what to do and freaking out a bit
They are not gonna die are they?


Well-Known Member
Oh and as you can probly see the leaves are curling a bit upward
is that normal of a sigh of nute burn?


Well-Known Member
its not nute burn nute burn starts at tips. chk this out
Thx so much for the link
I compared mine to all the syptoms but all I got that were close was the cal and mg defieciency but they seem to get like dots all over the places and the dots are so much darker.
I know it really doesnt look like nute burn now, but the only reason i mentioned it is because ALL these happened like within 24hr of my first feeding attmpt, is it possible that the plants used some of these elements to utilyze the nutes?


Well-Known Member
does kinda look like a cal/mag issue to me. but then again i cant really say that with you just feeding. give it a day or 2 and lets see the progress if thats as bad as it gets ur ok


Well-Known Member
led and cfl u can get pretty close up to 2-4 inches i use to have my cfl's before i bought my mh/hps
Yes thats what I heard and i ve been keeping them cfl at 10cm prox and led is about 8'' as thats what's suggest to be the optimum height
havnt had any problems until today :(
from your experience would you suggest any possible problem and/or cause?
More details: i ve been using sea soil fish soil mix 70% with about 25% perlite and 5% peat moss.
I havnt fed until yesterday cuase i felt the soil was really rich and there werent no need to feed...


Well-Known Member
how long have you been vegging for and can you take a pic of the whole plant from a bit farther back so i can see the whole plant might be easier to see whats wrong. it could have something to do with your ferts. show me a whole plant pic and lets see if we get some other answers in here


Well-Known Member
how long have you been vegging for and can you take a pic of the whole plant from a bit farther back so i can see the whole plant might be easier to see whats wrong. it could have something to do with your ferts. show me a whole plant pic and lets see if we get some other answers in here
Hey for sure!
I know you said whole plants but you mentioned tips so I got those in too
Just took these pictures.
cl1.jpg cl2.jpg cl3.jpg cl4.jpg cl5.jpg cl6.jpg


Well-Known Member
how long have you been vegging for and can you take a pic of the whole plant from a bit farther back so i can see the whole plant might be easier to see whats wrong. it could have something to do with your ferts. show me a whole plant pic and lets see if we get some other answers in here
Oh and it has been 25days for the Candy cane on the back under cfls
and 22days for the low flyer up the front under the Area 51 LED
They are both autos btw
Thank you for the help my friend :D


Well-Known Member
np bud. yea they look very healthy to me besides those spots. i t hink its gunna be cal/mag hopefully someone in the monring can add in any other thoughts. sounds about right to start feeding. usually a month is about right to start feeding. unless u got a soil like miracle grow


Well-Known Member
np bud. yea they look very healthy to me besides those spots. i t hink its gunna be cal/mag hopefully someone in the monring can add in any other thoughts. sounds about right to start feeding. usually a month is about right to start feeding. unless u got a soil like miracle grow
Yea thx for the relief i can go sleep now... been worring too much :(
I think i ll still feed but do it little by little
Hopefully someone will get more info in and i ll look around for some cal/mag sup
good night for now!


Well-Known Member
wait a minute! on second thought maybe it could be nute burn caused by nutrients splashing on the leaves when u feed. did any of the nutes/water touch the leaves when you fed?
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Well-Known Member
could be something has simple has nute burn from any you have spilled on the leaves by accident.

The reason i have gone straight to that has a answer is they look pretty perkie other than that.
this also happend after the first water with nutes in don't panic just be more careful,

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I agree cal mag would be my first guess. But yes splashing nutes on the leaves causes this also. Cal mag def shows differently some times my plants will start to bleach at the tips in wards then turn rusty and fall off. I use tap water so they get plenty of cal.


Well-Known Member
I would not go jumping in head first,it may just be nute splash,this is a good post because it shows new growers how easy it is to start adding things to the plants that will prob cause far more damage than the rust spot.

I would say i am 60% sure that this is just nute splash,no matter how careful you water you will wall ways get a bit of splash,get a watering can with a long poorer on and only full the watering can 1/2 full.It won't cause no problems to the final harvest.

If it is the only spot on the plants in 3/4 days and has not got it in any other places then its that for sure