Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Freedom of choice doesn't exist in your utopia. Just wage slavery.
Okay. help me understand where you are going...

Are you against people making a consensual trade of their labor or property for something another person has and both parties agree to the transaction?


Well-Known Member
Okay. help me understand where you are going...

Are you against people making a consensual trade of their labor or property for something another person has and both parties agree to the transaction?
You are.

You are ignoring the goad which exists that forces people to rent themselves out in order to survive. This is only worse in your ancap fantasy.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You are.

You are ignoring the goad which exists that forces people to rent themselves out in order to survive. This is only worse in your ancap fantasy.
Not quite. First I don't have an Ancap fantasy. I have a freedom fantasy. The systems people would use to interact would not have to follow any one particular economic or trading path. In my "world" you and your friends would be free to do as you please as long as you don't initiate force on others. If others wanted to rent themselves out, would you try to stop them from doing this? Why?

I am aware that ownership of land and other natural resources is a manmade invention. What is your equitable solution ?


Well-Known Member
The simple fact that people are not property. Personal property is fine. Private property requires force.
Private property is the personal property of someone else.

Dont argue with Rob Roy, overall on its face, his political leanings make sense, just they dont work in the real world.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The simple fact that people are not property. Personal property is fine. Private property requires force.
People are not property in the sense that they could be "owned" by others against their will. I'm good with that.

However people are "property" in the sense that they can own themselves. In that sense it would be wrong for me or you to prevent people from using themselves in ways that they determine as long as that use does not infringe on others right to do the same.

Private property does not require force in every instance. For instance, you live in the woods and make a stick into a spear. You now "own" the product of your combined labor and a natural resource, no?

Removing people from occupied land requires force if the people being removed were there first, then the removing party is the aggressor.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Private property is the personal property of someone else.

Dont argue with Rob Roy, overall on its face, his political leanings make sense, just they dont work in the real world.

The "real world" is a farce. Most of the "real world" systems have institutional violence or threats of violence built into them. I want no part of feeding that.


Well-Known Member
The "real world" is a farce. Most of the "real world" systems have institutional violence or threats of violence built into them. I want no part of feeding that.
The only place you can then live is either the Antarctic or international waters...

THATS the real world.

Id love for a pure Libertarian world...but it aint gonna happen bro.


Well-Known Member
LOL I don't use any illegal aliens, but I do make over $900K per year from Government Largesse, mostly from the pockets of taxpayers. Thanks AC.
Why thank me? I haven't paid taxes since I was in the military and that's where my check was coming from anyway.


Well-Known Member
Why thank me? I haven't paid taxes since I was in the military and that's where my check was coming from anyway.
Do you buy any products that contain corn or HFCS, or buy any type of unleaded fuel?

If you answered yes to any of those, then you are paying me.


Well-Known Member
Not a single one.
So you don't drive anywhere, don't use public transportation, don't eat 70% of the food in the stores, have not paid any taxes of any kind since you got out of the military and are the smartest person on the planet Nibiru.

Got it, I believe you too.


Well-Known Member
So you don't drive anywhere, don't use public transportation, don't eat 70% of the food in the stores, have not paid any taxes of any kind since you got out of the military and are the smartest person on the planet Nibiru.

Got it, I believe you too.
Bro, I can carry everything I own and I don't go to the United Snakes much anymore.