say goodbye to net-neutrality


Well-Known Member
I want my Lamborghini! How many hapless peasants must I grind under my jackboot to qualify for one?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Government is more efficient than a privatized state.

I never said anything about support for government.

You're asking for a definition of anarchosyndicalism or of anarchocommunism as a deflection. That is what your question about property amounts to.

Notice two things here. I'm not promoting any specific philosophy. I will only go so far as to say which utopian philosophy steers my thinking. The other thing to notice is that I have never asked you to define your philosophy. I went and learned about it before I started criticizing it.

You started pushing your ideas, got shot down and deflected by asking for a definition of private property.

I was at one time planning to define property and to describe anarchist philosophy for the forum, but I refuse. I am not pushing the idea. If you don't like me criticizing yours, don't push it.

Well if you won't give your definition of what property is or isn't, then it becomes hard to engage in a discussion about it.

I try not to go overboard in the semantics of anarcho this or anarcho that. I oppose coercive government, because it is coercive.
I promote voluntary interactions and try to respect that some people simply want to be left alone.

Okay, which utopian philosophy steers your thinking?


Well-Known Member
They own the government.

The government exists to serve the ruling class and protect private property. You came into the thread to blame the government. That is like fish blaming the fishing pole.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
They own the government.

The government exists to serve the ruling class and protect private property. You came into the thread to blame the government. That is like fish blaming the fishing pole.

Before I can reply to your assertion, it seems only fair you offer a definition of what is "private property" and who can/should be able to own it.

You are right that I often blame government, because I oppose coercion and support consensual interactions. That's no big secret.


Well-Known Member
In fact, private interest have been behind all of the threats to liberty in recent history. The militarization of the police is no exception. They don't mobilize when BP spills oil. They don't mobilize when Monsanto threatens the world's bee population. They don't mobilize when banks leave people homeless.


Well-Known Member
Seriously??? Citation needed. Government is one of the most wasteful un-accountable groups on the planet. Why do you need efficiency when you have monopoly??? You are very confused.
You mistake "gov't is more efficient than a privatized state" with "gov't is efficient".

A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.
Bertrand Russell


Well-Known Member
You mistake "gov't is more efficient than a privatized state" with "gov't is efficient".

Bertrand Russell
Our government is the antithesis of efficient...

I am not sure about which hypothetical construct you are speaking but if you can provide a real life example of government being efficient and more efficient than "a privatized state" I am interested to hear it...


Well-Known Member
Our government is the antithesis of efficient...

I am not sure about which hypothetical construct you are speaking but if you can provide a real life example of government being efficient and more efficient than "a privatized state" I am interested to hear it...
You have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. Absolutely no idea. You want to argue about how the gov't is behind all our woes though don't you?


Well-Known Member
You have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. Absolutely no idea. You want to argue about how the gov't is behind all our woes though don't you?
It is behind most of them. I dont need to argue about it.

Why did you purposely avoid my question? I thought that you would be happy to provide a clear example of the efficiency you were citing. I honestly asked for a citation and you just want to argue with me. So, do you have an actual real life example of the efficiency you referred to??


Well-Known Member
It is behind most of them. I dont need to argue about it.

Why did you purposely avoid my question? I thought that you would be happy to provide a clear example of the efficiency you were citing. I honestly asked for a citation and you just want to argue with me. So, do you have an actual real life example of the efficiency you referred to??
Were you born retarded?


Well-Known Member
I guess you do not have an example of government efficiency.

Not like I was asking for pictures of Big Foot... Oh wait...


Well-Known Member
You mistake "gov't is more efficient than a privatized state" with "gov't is efficient".
You are comparing one broken system to a system that is more broken and telling the reader they can only pick from either of the horrible choices.

Government is not efficient. I do not care how much more efficient it is than some abject concept, I want something that works.

What works is limited government. The proof is in history, governments increase in size until they collapse on themselves to the misery of the people.


Well-Known Member

I'm blaming the people who own the government actually.
If the government did not have so much power and control over every aspect of our lives it might not be worth owning... However, chicken and the egg have grown it to be something that needs to be manipulated to tilt the system in *your* favor.

Until the power is removed the cycle will continue ad infinitum regardless of the *model* of the government.


Well-Known Member
if you can provide a real life example of government being efficient and more efficient than "a privatized state" I am interested to hear it...
medicare's administrative costs are far, far lower than private insurance.

about 2% for medicare as opposed to ~17% in the private sector. costs are going up much slower in medicare than the private sector, too.

u sad, sistah?

have another beer!