Not sure if we need another section to discuss defoliation be it ya or nay lol. What I'm thinking is needed is valium lol. I just don't get the smack down take no prisoners attitude on the subject. I've been growing pot for appr. 38 years (14 years old when i plowed up my first 1/4 acre with dads rototiller) and still feel I'm a newb lol. Actually doing indoor and hydro is a new and very rewarding experience for me. I'm getting to old to trudge through the swamp to take care of the girls

. But with everyone highjacking everyones threads No matter where posted, RIU will always be one of the most controversial sites on the web. And yes not for the faint of heart!!! My question to you would be why the need to inflict butt hurt in the first place lol. Knowing the outcome of every one of these threads I typically only follow them for the entertainment. Everyone loves to see the car crash at the second turn but feel sorry for the driver lol. As far as newbs sticking to the newb section, again not for the faint of heart lol. Yes there are lots of questions there that with a little searching the answer could be found, but don't crucify the poor sap, just don't get involved lol. Thats really my point, if people dont agree with the content just don't get involved. This isn't really even another def thread and already its merrits are being discussed lol. The discussion all ways turns into a "my buds bigger than your bud" and your doing it all wrong thing. With all the degrees everyone seems to have here, it sure seems to degrade into a primary school debate lol. Why do people insist on slamming others grow techniques to the point of anal pain infliction?