Do your friends know you grow? Would you tell them?


Well-Known Member
From my experience, don't tell anyone, unless you have a med card, then it comes down to if you are in compliance with the regulations and also how much do you really trust your friends to be trust worthy.. ie.. stealing, your friends telling their friends that you don't personally know.. ect. One person you tell can go and tell the wrong person and that's no good. A lot of people don't even realize it when they say something that was supposed to be a secret, a lot of people just can't keep a secret, so why take a chance :)


Well-Known Member
It's in your best intrest to tell them you quit growing.
There is no benefit to them knowing . It's not them,more who they tell.
Just dealt with this , I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I have 5 friends that grow, and yeah we openly talk about it, even in public forums such as bars.

I grow pot plants in my living room, how stealth is that? ....if you don't like it, don't look at it.


Well-Known Member
I've lost a friend that I let know about my garden. So I keep it to myself unless they're very good friends and are also growing. For some reason when people find out your growing they expect free bud whenever they want. I'm very, very generous but when they actually get pissed because I don't give them bud every time they ask they really aren't that good of a friend in the first place. Also friends can change when they are going through bad times. It's hard keeping friends away from my house sometimes when it's grow season. The less people that know the less problems are likely to arise.


Well-Known Member
There are 5 people that know and I'm legal. My wife, brother, bro inlaw, cousin and "best" friend. When I didn't have my cert only my wife knew.

All these people I decided to tell know I'm bat shit crazy and would fuckin' rock them if they ever told anyone.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people knew I did when I was. Including family and friends. I am also possibly gonna get a job growing. Legal med patient in Washington and may grow for rec supplier

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Legal or not...Loose lips sink ships! Same if one is a prepper and stockpiling food for when shit hits the fan. Tell no one, as those in need will come after you because you have what they want. A friend is just an enemy you have not noticed yet.