Nnectar for the Gods nutrients?

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Yes I do use the whole line up and feed extremely close to full strength every time, I use a modified blend of S.S. now, but unfortunately the plants showing deficiency don't have the SS mix underneath. The golden leaf tips only appear at the top 1/3 of the plant. The last slurry test I did on that medium, showed it to be at about 600ppm and like 6.8ph level. I just figured it was a ph thing due to getting a new meter about a month ago. Was I wrong???
I don't know, but I spent a bunch of money yesterday to keep my pH meter n ppm meter in tip top shape, bought storage, buffer, and cleaning solutions. My pH dropped big time. I've been saying feed at 6.3, I'm going to go against my own advice and start feeding at 6.6 since my medium wants to drop pH level during flower


Well-Known Member
Yeah I usually try to feed with ph between 6.2 and 6.6 I aim for 6.5. If I were to think back about the watering that I burnt my plants with, I would say that when I watered, I fed them with 6.8ph and gave them prolly a gallon more water than I usually do, which led to a fully saturated medium with too drastic a ph change.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, but I spent a bunch of money yesterday to keep my pH meter n ppm meter in tip top shape, bought storage, buffer, and cleaning solutions. My pH dropped big time. I've been saying feed at 6.3, I'm going to go against my own advice and start feeding at 6.6 since my medium wants to drop pH level during flower
HA thats funny like yesterday I did the same thing. Cleaning solution, 4.o and 7.0 and 10.0 ph buffers and 1500 ppm solutions for calibrating my meter. In the meters instructions it says to calibrate monthly for accuracy and longevity of the meter. I think I'm gonna follow instructions cause I'm good at it.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you use Posidenzyme on clones. I know it's a foliar for the first couple weeks in veg but will it benefit clones? Also would it help cuttings take root faster? thanks

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you use Posidenzyme on clones. I know it's a foliar for the first couple weeks in veg but will it benefit clones? Also would it help cuttings take root faster? thanks
. Don't know, probably not root faster but might keep em healthier. Do a side by side. Post your findings


Well-Known Member
Thanks prophet, I will indeed. I won't be taking clones for a few weeks but I know where to post my results.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Thanks prophet, I will indeed. I won't be taking clones for a few weeks but I know where to post my results.
I am going to try this new brew this weekend. Going to soak rockwool cubes in a mix of 1ml super thrive, 2¹/² ml foxfarm bushdoctor kangaroots or general organics bio root ( I think ff is the better product for reasons i won't go into right now, I however have the GO product) and 3ml of Zeus. pH'ed to 5.8, let soak for 12 hrs once pH starts maintaining 5.6 5.8 range ( the cubes are gonna raise your solutions pH for the first couple hrs so check pH and adjust as necessary). Then cuttings will be placed in rooting gel and into cubes, then are going into a regular propagation tray dome thingy and going next to a nice cool t12 lamp running 4 28 watt 6800 k bulbs if I'm not mistaking. I'll post results


Well-Known Member
That sound pretty good to me. I think I might soak my cubes in the posidonzyme this time too and spray it with once I see some root production.
its the promix i was using hydromaxx hp and my shit went haywire on a test run due to salts being in the medium i now use nftg soil its like mix of coco and a bunch of other stuff hoping it would turn out great

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
its the promix i was using hydromaxx hp and my shit went haywire on a test run due to salts being in the medium i now use nftg soil its like mix of coco and a bunch of other stuff hoping it would turn out great
I've been running peat based soil, thinking of trying promix 2 or 4 next. If soil is peat (I.e. promix) don't b scared to check your soil pH and ppm often. I would suggest feeding at 6.4 6.5 veg, and 6.6 6.8 flower. Experience the best teacher : ). I was gonna buy ntfg soil but all these damn grow shops round here GROW SQUAD are never open when they should b, closed forever, relocated, different hours posted on Google maps than on the store door. I've made to many pointless trips... Just buy online n ship everything to a neutral Addy now


Well-Known Member
I've been feeding with the entire line (aside from a few, 3 of which I added during flower) since late October.
Just went by the community feeding chart and fed at full strength each feeding. At day 63 of flowering I am still feeding, it's week 9, girls have some more time for sure, two cuttings both sour OG sisters, and three seeds plat OG sisters. I was feeding each girl her own mix, but since the flip to 12/12 they have all had the same feed every three days. Feed, water, dry, feed, water, dry, feed, water, dry. Healthy plants, four are in coco and one is in soil, the coco is nectars blend.

I've seen great results and have even fed at 4x the dosage with no burn or harm, just very green girls. I have since sprouted a few more skunk #1 seeds that received a rather strong feeding early on, no burn just happy ladies. It was food left over from feeding the big girls. The foliar feed bloom khaos is helping those nodes to sprout up. The plants are healthy.


Going to try my luck with coco next time I have to buy base materials. Still have lots of soil to go through before I move along. But going to continue using Nectar for sure!


Well-Known Member
You will most likely love the coco. Post some results, I'd be all in to see how your plants are doing with nectar.

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
I've been running peat based soil, thinking of trying promix 2 or 4 next. If soil is peat (I.e. promix) don't b scared to check your soil pH and ppm often. I would suggest feeding at 6.4 6.5 veg, and 6.6 6.8 flower. Experience the best teacher : ). I was gonna buy ntfg soil but all these damn grow shops round here GROW SQUAD are never open when they should b, closed forever, relocated, different hours posted on Google maps than on the store door. I've made to many pointless trips... Just buy online n ship everything to a neutral Addy now
Are you still using NFTG and hows it going for you?

I got a sample kit and not sure if I want to use it, kind of scary with the ph issues and deficiencys/lockouts. I havent had any issues of that nature in many grows now since keeping it simple with a quality organic soil and a few light supplements with organic nutes here and there, so Id hate to take a step backwards using this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Im still a user of the full line of nectar, and I love it the flavors and smells that come from it are unrivaled in my honest opinion, Every now and again I experience some ph issues mostly due to negligence on my part. I couldn't recommend a better nutrient for you to try, and I too got the sample kit at one point and time, and haven't switched back, since then I've only expanded my nectar lineup beyond the sample pack... get excited about it man! I would however recommend using all 8 of those bottles in your sample pack if you are in fact gonna try it... your results should speak for themselves, if your concerned run your nutrients at half charge or something till you get used to it. Also, You'll really want to check your nutrient water's ph if at all possible before watering. Good Luck and Happy growing

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
Im still a user of the full line of nectar, and I love it the flavors and smells that come from it are unrivaled in my honest opinion, Every now and again I experience some ph issues mostly due to negligence on my part. I couldn't recommend a better nutrient for you to try, and I too got the sample kit at one point and time, and haven't switched back, since then I've only expanded my nectar lineup beyond the sample pack... get excited about it man! I would however recommend using all 8 of those bottles in your sample pack if you are in fact gonna try it... your results should speak for themselves, if your concerned run your nutrients at half charge or something till you get used to it. Also, You'll really want to check your nutrient water's ph if at all possible before watering. Good Luck and Happy growing
Thanks for the reply.

Ya I have been researching as much as I can about it the past week or so and watched both youtube videos twice of Scott talking about the whole line.

I have been using either straight ocean forest or amended ocean forest and small amounts of a few organic and veganic nutes I got from a buddy. I use RO water and never adjust or measure pH with this technique and get good results, just harvested 100g off 6 plants under a 150w HPS.

Now using COB LEDs and couple month used recycled ocean forest that I did not re-amend at all and with the NTFG nutes I am going to start around half strength and feed like I have been but use the NFTG when I do. I will have to monitor pH, they say it is critical for this line of the calcium based nutes. I picked up a pH calibration pack from the local shop, dusted off the pH meter and recalibrated it and the PPM meter too.

I just fed vegan nutes last night so next watering will probably be plain RO water and then start with the NFTG, I am 2.5wks into flower so not going to foliar with BK this round but will water it in at half strength on my second feeding with the NFTG, I want to get some HH and Olympus Up watered in before I hit em with the BK and HH.

I was thinking of getting a quart of TT and AE since Scott seemed to say that really ups the quality and flavor to another level. Other than that I was probably going to pass on the rest of the line, the Poseidonzyme, Hygeias Hydration, Pegasus Potion, Mega Morpheus.

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
Also I was wondering if you get any hint of the mintyness in the finished product from these nutes. Of course I had to open each bottle and smell them, honestly not that bad smelling at all, I have used way worse smelling organic and veganic nutes. Probably because of the mint oils they put in them.


Well-Known Member
Also I was wondering if you get any hint of the mintyness in the finished product from these nutes. Of course I had to open each bottle and smell them, honestly not that bad smelling at all, I have used way worse smelling organic and veganic nutes. Probably because of the mint oils they put in them.
the 2 bottles that smell the worst are pegasus potion and tritions trawl neither of which are an absolute necessity. If you watched the monster garden videos you know most of what I do (minus little exp.) now as far as the minty goes...I've not tasted anything (minty) yet but I read somewhere (online) about somebody claiming that it left a minty smell. I highly doubt it tho I've fed some at almost double strength I've not witnessed it myself.
Also I would highly recommend the aphrodities exchange its what will help keep your myco's and bennies alive between feedings, and create frostier bud's at the end.