is this N def or mites?


Active Member
I put my ladies into flowering 2 weeks ago and now I am coming across some problems. The lower leafs are turning brown and dieing off on a couple of my babies, I thought this must have been N def. however today I noticed that some of the leafs are getting yellow spotting near the viens of the leaf. But it only seems too be on the lower leafs. I have looked at them all as close as I could and dont see any bugs nor is there anything flying around, however just as a classic newby does I have search so many sights looking for what could be causeing this I am now lost and I dont want to make the classic newb mistake and over treat them or treat them for something they dont have. If anyone could suggest anything it would be very helpful. I will post pics by the end of the day.
My lady with the yellow spots on the veins is my only lady like that also if you notice one of my ladies is a lot smaller than the others however it was germinated at the same time as the rest


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Well-Known Member
For mites, look around the stems where they meet the main stalk. Mites love to build webs in this area.


Active Member
that was one of the first places I checked.. no webs. Like I said I have looked in so many places for answers I am now more confused then ever, so any of your help would be appreciated. I mean GREATLY appreciated!!


Active Member
bump... still looking for some help I wet today and got fish emulsion it 5-1-1 is that any good? is that what I should be useing? Is this a n def? I also got miracle grow in case they eeded help all aroud but I dont want to put anythig in them until I have an idea of what I am dealing with so please all you growers help me!!


Well-Known Member
do you know your ph level. looks like imballance ( lock up) hard to tell pic`s are to dark


Active Member
I have a couple possible solutions here at the house. I have some Alaska Fish fertilizer (5-1-1),and some regular miracle gro plant food (24-8-16)...Any opinions on what I should do..any preferences?


Well-Known Member
before you add anything get even a cheepo ph tester. mine was only 87 bucks at hydro store. when you add nute your ph usualy gets to low causing the soil to lock up. i wouldn`t recomend using nutes unless you have one. once you do get one i would do a flush and start your nute schedule fresh so you know what your adding to the plant


Active Member
Can't tell from the first pic. But i always thought that the very bottom leaves, will turn brown and die off on all plants. All of mine did that and they are doing great.

True G

Active Member
Hit it with 3 percent peroxide in case of lock out(also peroxide oxygenates) then the miracle grow...let me know what happens..Peroxide shows immediate results(Within the hour)


Active Member
before you add anything get even a cheepo ph tester. mine was only 87 bucks at hydro store. when you add nute your ph usualy gets to low causing the soil to lock up. i wouldn`t recomend using nutes unless you have one. once you do get one i would do a flush and start your nute schedule fresh so you know what your adding to the plant
Can't tell from the first pic. But i always thought that the very bottom leaves, will turn brown and die off on all plants. All of mine did that and they are doing great.
Hit it with 3 percent peroxide in case of lock out(also peroxide oxygenates) then the miracle grow...let me know what happens..Peroxide shows immediate results(Within the hour)
How long would you advise to wait in between the peroxide/nutes? Should I just use the peroxide once? Thank you guys for all your input..I very much appreciate the effort!


Well-Known Member
Can't tell from the first pic. But i always thought that the very bottom leaves, will turn brown and die off on all plants. All of mine did that and they are doing great.
Same here. Also, if they're flowering, aren't the leaves going to go chlorotic and die anyway (depending on how far into it)?

Take care with the fish emulsion, I learned the hard way that it is indeed possible to burn plants with it. Not to mention the stink. :x


Active Member
Same here. Also, if they're flowering, aren't the leaves going to go chlorotic and die anyway (depending on how far into it)?

Take care with the fish emulsion, I learned the hard way that it is indeed possible to burn plants with it. Not to mention the stink. :x

I bought a ph tester and peroxide..I will test the plants soon. What is the best way to flush while avoiding more problems in the mean time?


Well-Known Member
Chlorosis is the loss of chlorophyll, usually associated with a nitrogen (N) deficiency. However, if a plant is well into flowering you have to expect chlorosis and die-off, it's a natural part. When I had to flush, I used pH adjusted water (I was shooting for around 7 or just a skotch below), and at least double the pot volume. 3 gallon pots got 6 gallons of filtered water, pH (have to adjust mine down) adjusted. This was after I burned them with the fish emulsion trying to get a handle on the spreading chlorosis (growing outdoors, nowhere near flowering).

True G

Active Member
U are right seamaiden although the lack of nitrigen is usually due to ferts made for flowering lacking nitrogen...Potass is the main nute in flowering that used nature the plant gets the same amount of nutes the whole season...In indoor we changed if u keep the nutes consistant in flowering u will not see that yellowing of the leaves during flowering...

smokergirl...It is always a great idea to keep h202 in your fert....all threw frowing cycle...Its naturally made in nature..It's and antibacterial and also extra oxygen...U can buy the 35% from the hydroponics store of chemistry store and dilute it down to 3%.......


Active Member
I tested the ph levels they are running from 6.8 to 7.0 one of them is at 7.2. From everything I have read this doesnt seem to be high. So with the ph levels pretty much norm can anyone give me some suggestions on what to do next?Also they are only 2 1/2 weeks into flowering so it doesnt seem like the foilage browning could be from late flowering nitro def.
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Well-Known Member
U are right seamaiden although the lack of nitrigen is usually due to ferts made for flowering lacking nitrogen...Potass is the main nute in flowering that used nature the plant gets the same amount of nutes the whole season...In indoor we changed if u keep the nutes consistant in flowering u will not see that yellowing of the leaves during flowering...

smokergirl...It is always a great idea to keep h202 in your fert....all threw frowing cycle...Its naturally made in nature..It's and antibacterial and also extra oxygen...U can buy the 35% from the hydroponics store of chemistry store and dilute it down to 3%.......
Hhm... trying to see if I've got you straight, and I think I do. But here's the thing, I thought that K deficiencies were expressed another way, aren't they?