What wrong with my plants?


Active Member
my plants are 23 days in flowering under a 400 watts hps,i only feed them 1/8 of miracle gro bloom booster when they was at 14 days in flowering,i plan on working them up to full strength of miracle gro because i know that the stuff is strong so i plan on feeding them 1/4 of it on day 28 of flowering then on day 42 im plan on feeding them 1/2 of strength of it then flush on day 49,my plant are showing sign of nute burns,i only water them when the soil is dry, i was just gone flush them to see if it was going to stop the problem.......any more info needed just let me know


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hard to say as the pics are kinda blurry....
I'll venture this at this point,,,,,add a Cal/Mag? Hard to see, but the brown spots look like Cal problems.
The yellowing lowest leaves are doing a natural thing......It's time for them to go, and the plant is doing it the right way. Consuming the stored nutrition in those leaves.....Remove when green is gone from them...

Yeah,,,MG is a bitch.....Try DynaGro next time.....Works great, 1 thing to use. Oh yeah, get a better soil too.


Active Member
Hard to say as the pics are kinda blurry....
I'll venture this at this point,,,,,add a Cal/Mag? Hard to see, but the brown spots look like Cal problems.
The yellowing lowest leaves are doing a natural thing......It's time for them to go, and the plant is doing it the right way. Consuming the stored nutrition in those leaves.....Remove when green is gone from them...

Yeah,,,MG is a bitch.....Try DynaGro next time.....Works great, 1 thing to use. Oh yeah, get a better soil too.
can i just flush them ?


Well-Known Member
I don't see any nute burn. Pump up the nutes instead of cutting them off after flush. None of those leaves are curved from pushing nutes too hard. I don't see any cal def. I'd say cal/mag never hurts though especially 1/2 through flower(molasses will do the same almost in a pinch). My buds are bigger when I use cal/mag..... Your not feeding them too much.. I'd say looks good and has promise. Pump a little more juice IMHO.
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
NOT low N.....IF ANYTHING at this point I would ask what is the NPK ratio of everything your putting in and be looking at what the P value is, along with the K. I'll bet they are both higher then the optimum for Canna......But I already knew that from the use of MG.
Don't start adding nutrition as all your going to do is set the stage for new problems down the road.
Don't flush!!!! You flush toilets, NOT soil.....
As far as that link above goes.....There are a cpl of those pictures that are wrong! NOT to mention that the stupid "chart" in the second post should be deleted and banned! It is confusing and VERY incomplete.

AGAIN<<<<>>>>DO NOT "PUMP" ANY NUTES!!!! your using MG and that's to strong already!