Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
So you can't own people. We agree on that.

You never told me what you think a person CAN own. Scared? Think you'll be trapped?

Of course people need to eat. That doesn't mean people must go to the overlord to seek food in every instance does it? Shouldn't a person be able to own what he grows or acquires thru consensual trade?
Look at the deflection.

Just keep repeating over and over that you're opposed to coercion, NOBODY BELIEVES YOU!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Look at the deflection.

Just keep repeating over and over that you're opposed to coercion, NOBODY BELIEVES YOU!

Deflection ? So you are going to tell me what you think a person can and cannot own or will you continue to deflect?

Also no need to shout. We've been able to converse politely in the past.

I am opposed to coercion and lots of people believe me.


Well-Known Member
serfs could not quit, move, go back to school to learn a better trade, ask for a raise.........lol. I'm fucking flabbergasted here. Iceland.....here I come!


Well-Known Member
yes you should be able to absolutely. just like i should. i just wouldnt expect to have much business but in the end, you arent hurting anyone so you should be able to
Well Title II of the Civil Rights Act disagrees with you. Discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin in hotels, motels, restaurants, theaters, and all other public accommodations engaged in interstate commerce is not allowed. Now if you want to keep people out of your "club", I suggest you make it private and charge a membership..WIN WIN