Does my plant look ok?....


Well-Known Member
its strange why all my other plants are ok but this one hasn't got any other leafs yet unless its still to come.


Well-Known Member
I agree, could be a weak plant. Keep an eye on it, but she may bounce back and be your big producer at harvest time. I bet you will see new leaves in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
hope this plant grows the first set of leafs very soon but I read somewhere that its slow growth for first couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Chances are its focusing on creating a stable root base, like i said, give it a week, if it doesnt grow by then, then i would start to take other actions


Well-Known Member
I have to say that some strains are just a little slower to start then others. Such as our K.A.S.I. for instance. She starts off relatively slow, then right around mid veg to flower she starts to really pick up. Once flowering is induced, watch out!! :) she will go from this PIC_1390.JPG to this Pic of KASI used in hightimes.jpg in NO time. She ended up taking a spot in Hightimes crop 03.10.14 Kasif2 (1) youve been passed.png :)


Well-Known Member
MOUNTAIN DEW??? What are you 14? Psych! Just kiddin Dankster I personally love a Dew every once in a while. They have a Baja Breeze out now at Taco Bell. It's really good. They should come up with a grape Dew. I would totally drink it.
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