Street Bud No More


First post...long time smoker...awaiting first med order from lp Mettrum...It has been a bash fest here regarding anything related to the mmpr...for those lucky enpugh to have a des. grower or a lic to grow your own...great...i dont and will rely on my lp for my meds...been used to street bud which is hit or miss most of the time and bud size strength cure and strain are always a mystery...I am counting on better things to come from mettrum...Purple candy(mettrum 3) and Og kush(orange1) arriving soon with my thoughts on them...keep careiio


Well-Known Member
there might be a bit of LP bashing here, but they are actually doing it to themselves..... not like we make a lot of it up!
I hope ya come back and give us a review as most metriod reviews haven't been good. As for the mystery of the black market, well seems the same way with these LP's don't know if your next order is going to be irradiated, THC levels seem to fluctuate, buds look like they were grown in a ditch, buds don't look properly cured... and so on....

BTW Welcome to the boards, hope you have a good experience as you may be the only one so far.


Well-Known Member
i don't think it's the LP most have a problem with.. it's the system and how they're the ONLY option; a marijuana monopoly.
see, i have no problem with the big dogs doing large warehouses to supply people (like you, who can't get it any other way) ..but let the small ones be self sufficient too, or the system is a complete fraud IMO.

i will never support a marijuana monopoly. as we see, it's only the upper upper class who can do it.

that said, i do hope you find the meds/help you need.


Well-Known Member
I am with Mettrum, and have been disappointed with the MMJ. I have had both of those and found them to be very weak. The Red # 3 or Purple candy will make you a little sleepy and thats all. The Orange #1 was useless, I felt like I was smoking hemp. Interested to see if you agree.


I have been with Whistler MMC since April 4th. The meds have been really good, especially their Pink Kush strain. Moving to Canna Farms in July. My experience has been mostly positive so far, I hope you get a great experience as well.


A little sleepy is welcome news(red#3) as i do smoke to sleep most nights...chronic pain , for the orange 1...kind of a bummer cuz i was looking for a alert get up n do'er type of


Well-Known Member
I just switched from Peace Naturals to meetrum. I have not received my first order yet but I will say that I am already disappointed by them. I placed my first order Thursday and that was a pain in the ass trying to find a strain that was in stock that was not irradiated that I felt may have some benefit. It's now Tuesday and I just received the notice saying the order has been shipped....3 days to take an order from sales to shipping. Bullshit. Hopefully i won't receive a recall notice from Mettrum as I did from Peace Naturals. But i should say that as frustrating as this has all been since I joined the MMPR back in December it also makes me kind of happy to see how badly they are fucking everything up. The more strikes against this messed up system the more evidence there will be that it just doesn't work. And I will say this. This is the last LP I try out. If Mettrum doesn't work I feel as if I have done everything I can within reason to participate in the MMPR and it's failed me and countless others. I will get seeds, lights and everything else I need to make a decision to take my health back into my own hands. I hope it doesn't come to that but I figure it's better than supporting the MMPR or alternatively organized crime by going back to the black market.
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Well-Known Member
A newly licenced MMLP patient.
No MMAR license before hand? Having Chronic pain must be tough with out being prescribed any medication.
Where did you find the new Doctor to sign for you and how much did it cost you?
Good luck with the new meds from the LP's. SO far, it's a sham.
What are you doing for medication in the mean time?

Grow em up Symptum. It's your right!

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I would agree it seems your right to meds now, is compromised. It's simply a crime that some folks can grow and others are now paper work fucked. Not fair and a real tragedy. I'm happy for those who are grandfathered for the moment but feel pissed for hose ho got caught up in the cluster F%&k.
I'd hate to suggest anything illegal though and then you end up in trouble. If you had a PPL and gave it up I'd be going for it. I think you are being discriminated against already.
I know I could not nearly afford the prices these LP's are charging. I don't have that type of money. as someone said they just paid $250 plus for schwagg. Even if it isn't schwagg I don't have a med plan t pay that so would be denied on price alone.


I can see three outcomes for this entire cluster f*** we find ourselves in with the MMPR.

1) Things stay as they are. There will be a mix of decent but mostly poor LP's available and the prices will not drop enough for the average patient to afford.

2) The system evolves. Poor LP's are "weeded" (pardon the pun) out and the quality of medication becomes increasingly better. This will cause an influx of purchases and possibly a reduction in prices or at the very least a compassion style of pricing.

3) The system folds and new regulations will need to be written.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but looks like option #1 as the track record of no one in power giving a shit/bare minimum seems to be what they have only done. Throwing everyone the odd bone once in awhile to make it seem like something is moving ahead. Not what I want to happen or believe should happen. For those of ya whom think I'm being too cynical or just bitch about everything, I say to you...... past ways usually dictate the way of the future, I would love to say everything is unicorns and rainbows but everyone knows this isn't so... or at lest some of ya know.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but looks like option #1 as the track record of no one in power giving a shit/bare minimum seems to be what they have only done. Throwing everyone the odd bone once in awhile to make it seem like something is moving ahead. Not what I want to happen or believe should happen. For those of ya whom think I'm being too cynical or just bitch about everything, I say to you...... past ways usually dictate the way of the future, I would love to say everything is unicorns and rainbows but everyone knows this isn't so... or at lest some of ya know.

The 200+ pending lawsuits may sway the decision in this particular instance. Add to that the sub par( is there a word for something lower?) showing on behalf of the current LP's and complaints as a result and the problem can't be swept under the rug this time. The way things stand right now it will be hard for current LP's to have all of the following when millions have been invested and there are people anxious about their return on investment: a)consistent high quality clean medicine b)affordable prices when compared to growing your own c)fast and efficient order processing and delivery turnaround times.

It just isn't feasible with the massive overhead involved that all of the current and I would say it's safe to assume, most future LP's have invested. Until the realization is made that the right to have the choice between growing your own OR purchasing from LP's of your choosing, this new model just WON'T work. And patients should not have to rely on such a pitiful offering from companies who have little to no knowledge on how to grow our medicine but seem to literally have more money than know how. Much like purchasing an exotic car, just because you have the money to afford it does not make you a professional driver off the hop.


Well-Known Member
I can see three outcomes for this entire cluster f*** we find ourselves in with the MMPR.

1) Things stay as they are. There will be a mix of decent but mostly poor LP's available and the prices will not drop enough for the average patient to afford.

2) The system evolves. Poor LP's are "weeded" (pardon the pun) out and the quality of medication becomes increasingly better. This will cause an influx of purchases and possibly a reduction in prices or at the very least a compassion style of pricing.

3) The system folds and new regulations will need to be written.
You forgot option 4. All prohibitions against cannabis are stricken from law by the supreme courts after HC's constant failure to come up with a viable medical exemption.


Well-Known Member
#2! it will change in time and the quality L.P will stand out and you the patients will be the ones to make things change by complaining and reviews and not going back to the bad L.P.