Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

Theys gots the interwbez and everything!

"Cum here sister, its gotten stiff a-gain..."

They have money, big guns, gangs and toys you will never see.

I'd like Buck to go down south and tell them how to act.
Tell them about equality like they do on the west coast.
We all love each other.

I doubt he'll be returning home.
its the truth. y'all would control every aspect of society.
No need.
That's already been accomplished. The Patriot act and the NSA surveillance program already have y'all under the microscope. Thanks Dubya. You can thank another Republican, Nixon, for the DEA and the 'war on the american people (drugs)'.
Get real. The right has created a police state. Y'all have kicked back, cracked a beer, turned from FOX to Duck Dynasty and babbled about 'liberals'. It's called the 'big lie' and y'all bought it hook, line and sinker. The 'culture war' is a smoke-screen for corporate-fascist takeover of your democracy.

Good luck. You're gonna need it bro.
i have a tough enough time boycotting red states out west. not gonna go to the south voluntarily unless it is to document the correlation between poor dental hygiene, venereal diseases, and racism.

I can imagine.
Why you should take a little history tour of the south.
Yeah, it's like that everywhere.
You have never been there either.

The south also has sooo many cool places run by white, black, hispanic or any other race
in the USA.

NO, it's not like Deliverance.
No need.
That's already been accomplished. The Patriot act and the NSA surveillance program already have y'all under the microscope. Thanks Dubya. You can thank another Republican, Nixon, for the DEA and the 'war on the american people (drugs)'.
Get real. The right has created a police state. Y'all have kicked back, cracked a beer, turned from FOX to Duck Dynasty and babbled about 'liberals'. It's called the 'big lie' and y'all bought it hook, line and sinker. The 'culture war' is a smoke-screen for corporate-fascist takeover of your democracy.

Good luck. You're gonna need it bro.
UN Agenda 21..........fear it
LOL..initiating aggression because I just want a bite to eat at a public restaurant. WOW and WTF

Your hunger is not the issue. Ownership is the issue. Or more correctly the protection of a persons right to self determination of their life. You don't think racists have a right to own THEIR property. You punish them by taking away their right to determine the use of their property. You are fine with MAKING them serve others against their will. You are fine with at least temporarily enslaving them in some fashion.

A person that "owns" something has the right to control it without intervention of those that that do not own it don't they?

You believe it is okay for non owners to interject themselves against the will of the owner, That is the same business model people used to enslave others isn't it? If you own something. say your body, and another person makes you serve them against your will....what is that called again?

Just to be clear, I think racists are stupid, but I also think people that want to run others lives and control others property have some things to learn too.
LOL..initiating aggression because I just want a bite to eat at a public restaurant. WOW and WTF

Your hunger is not the issue. Ownership is the issue. Or more correctly the protection of a persons right to self determination of their life.

You don't think racists have a right to own THEIR property. You punish them by taking away their right to determine the use of their property. You are fine with MAKING them serve others against their will. You are fine with at least temporarily enslaving them in some fashion.

A person that "owns" something has the right to control it without intervention of those that that do not own it don't they?

You believe it is okay for non owners to interject themselves against the will of the owner, That is the same business model people used to enslave others isn't it? If you own something. say your body, and another person makes you serve them against your will....what is that called again?

Just to be clear, I think racists are stupid, but I also think people that want to run others lives and control others property have some things to learn too.
No Buck, I`m asking why Blacks can say it and it`s offensive if anyone else does.
It seems as a special privilege they alone can enjoy.

So, How come Blacks can say it and no-one else can ?

Buck, You have called someone here a coward for not answering your question, It`s been three days now for me trying to get an answer from you about this question asked a second time.

C`mon Buck, answer it.
"it's wrong to make any person of any color serve another"

how is that not based on skin color?

you realize this whole argument started due to robroy's opposition to civil rights, ya know?

that didn;t happen to have any skin colors associated with it, right?

Civil rights cannot be a "right" if they violate another peaceful persons right to control themselves or their property.
If that were the case, you readily reassign ownership from the rightful owner to somebody else. Ummm....that's called slavery isn't it? Theft comes to mind also.

My opposition is to coercion and denial of ANY persons right of self determination. Always has been. Your pea brain has had a hard time following that though.

In my world coercion is the issue. It can manifest for many reasons. Sometimes, it can manifest from a thought into an actionable harm, like when the KKK leaves their property and begins invading anothers property.

Sometimes (many times actually) the invader is a coercive government bent on legally redefining what ownership is.

Sometimes it is a do gooder Meathead with a pack of gerbils that becomes the coercive in Chief because he thinks it's okay to use coercion when he likes the outcome. You see one side of things and readily will attack a person that has not attacked another.
No need.
That's already been accomplished. The Patriot act and the NSA surveillance program already have y'all under the microscope. Thanks Dubya. You can thank another Republican, Nixon, for the DEA and the 'war on the american people (drugs)'.
Get real. The right has created a police state. Y'all have kicked back, cracked a beer, turned from FOX to Duck Dynasty and babbled about 'liberals'. It's called the 'big lie' and y'all bought it hook, line and sinker. The 'culture war' is a smoke-screen for corporate-fascist takeover of your democracy.

Good luck. You're gonna need it bro.

lol.......there is only one party, an' you an' me ain't invited. why has the "left" continued this police state? 8 years in power, and they have only strengthened the fascist state. I've never seen Duck Dynasty, and I'd rip Phil Robertson's beard from his face, if he spouted his hate around me. you assume a lot.........typical of your camp :)
lets just get you on the record for this on going conversation. Do you think it's in the right of a business owner to tell someone to get out of his/her store based on color, religion, or weight ( I add weight because fat people makes me sad )

An owner can tell people to leave his stuff alone for any reason they decide, even if we don't like the reason.

What they can't, or more correctly shouldn't do, is tell others what to do with their own stuff.

If you disagree with the two statements above you believe it is okay to take away a persons property rights and by extension the right of self determination.

The distinction you are ignoring or don't get is in line two. Violating that right you seem to find acceptable when it suits you.