RIU Weight loss Support Group


Staff member
That will catch up to you when you get older, unless you stay active which is a HUGE key in not gaining weight on a terrible diet. My brother has gotten huge. He lives on fast food but doesn't move around very much.

IF you want to lose weight it all boils down to math.

There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. So in order to lose 1 pound of fat you have to burn off 3,500 calories. This can be done by cutting, dieting, exercising yada yada. Basically all you need to do is eat less than your body consumes, and exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Everybody has a different BMR, how much you can consume varies so I would suggest finding out your BMR.

I would also suggest getting a gym membership, that and monitoring how many calories you consume daily is the best/easiest/fastest way to get lose weight and get into shape.

One more thing, don't eat past 6pm if you can. The rate at which your body burns calories slows down at night and while you're sleeping so the later you eat the more likely the food you have eaten will turn into fat and not be burnt off as energy.

If you're going to cut anything out of your diet let it be soda. Nothing puts on fat faster than soda as they're loaded with sugar and calories. Drinking 3 sodas is roughly 450 calories which would be a decent sized healthy meal that would keep you full for a while.
id like to add, to people who have different sechudals, if you dont start you day like i work till 3pm its not possible to not eat after 6.
i work nightshifts, therefore my day starts when i wake up at around 3.
so if you are a natural night owl or have a job that makes you work late, figure out your "6pm" to stop eating at.


Staff member
sorry i dont start my day until 3pm, usually i work till 6am-ish so i dont have dinner till late, well usually when people are eatin breaky :p


Well-Known Member
shakes are the best way to supplement a diet, bars and shakes are very different nutritionally. my shake is 24g protein 1 or 2 carbs and 1 or 2 g sugar plus all sorts of other goodness, bcaas and what not, that i wont get into now...bars are usually carby, and sugary..more for bulking when you need calories..(or some as a meal replacement) anyways cut all the bull shit out of your diet, figure out your BMR and go from there..also if your going to eat at night, try to do just protein, 2 eggs or a chicken breast or tuna, also like cottage cheese or peanut butter. if you have to.. eventually you can figure out your schedule and when to eat and stuff so that youre not eating before bed. cardio your face off. and youll see improvements..its not as hard as it really seems. theres alot of science behind it. but like someone stated earlier^ its math. calories in vs calories out, and we all know i dont mean calories from godamn twinkies lol. HIIT cardio sessions take (no bullshit) ten minutes..i have an old 80s stationary bike that i use, people like give those away lol..i have like 3. heres a bmr link



Well-Known Member
Hey sunni
im kinda curious, what about when you just cant sleep? I only manage to sleep about 3 or 4 hours a morning and im up all night trying to get stoned enough to fall asleep and i never eat nor am hungry. Should i eat like a propper meal after my dinner (i have dinner around 11 or 12 pm) before falling asleep at like 8 am?


Well-Known Member
I attempted to jog a bit today. Didn't make it far, but it will improve. I quit smoking cigarettes about three months ago.

I have also been sick for almost two weeks here. Coughing up lumps of green and yellow mucus.
How long do you wait before you go to the docs?
If the mucous doesn't turn clear in another week, you should get checked. Could be just a stubborn virus or walking pneumonia.


Well-Known Member
Okay this is embarrassing: I can't do a proper dead lift (yet anyway) I don't see why it's so hard to just "drop" my butt and NOT lift with my back. The cross fit coach person was teaching us this today and it FELT like I was doing it, but I was lifting with my back every time. I didn't want to injure back so I had to 'lift the bar of shame' which is a PVC pipe LOL I am the only girl and I never felt MORE like the only girl until that moment….fail.

Of course everyone is cool and quick to offer help w/ technique. I don't mind using a plastic bar, I believe form is waaay more important to get the proper technique down. Just wish I wasn't surrounded by well meaning gorillas.


Well-Known Member
PRAISE THE BIKE! i always use a stationary bike for cardio..thats where its at. and lol you get to sit down!!!! cant beat it.

and deads especially something you want proper form on..belts help me keep my back straight, also bodybuilding.com has a narrated video for EVERY SINGLE EXERCISE..pretty awesome.


Well-Known Member
I've lost a total of 13.7 pounds in 15 days.

I started riding bike instead of jogging. I like it better than jogging. Plus I can do 8 miles in about 45 minutes
DUDE! way to go! Guys have it so much easier. All they have to do is quit drinking soda/beer and move a bit extra and the weight drops right off. my gender has a layer of fat to break through that males do not. *biology*

Silly String

Well-Known Member
DUDE! way to go! Guys have it so much easier. All they have to do is quit drinking soda/beer and move a bit extra and the weight drops right off. my gender has a layer of fat to break through that males do not. *biology*
The monthly hormone shift doesn't help us much either -- feels like each boob and the uterus gains a pound when Shark Week rolls around. Gets worse as you get older, and start approaching/hitting "The Change" -- excess weight really wants to stick.

Boys can eat salad for lunch, and do 30 minutes of exercise every day, and lose 20 lbs in a month! I watched my ex hubbie do this ALL the time. Lucky guys!

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I'm starting to welcome the feeling of being sore... I'm also loving the fact that I can see myself getting bigger.

Hard mode for sure...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well its been proven
weightloss is
70% nutrition and 30% fitness.
you can eat shit work out hours everyday and still not loose weight or be healthy
I eat shit don't work out and can't put on weight :-) some people just stay fat, some just stay thin. There is a percentage for genetics not taken into account :-)


Staff member
I eat shit don't work out and can't put on weight :-) some people just stay fat, some just stay thin. There is a percentage for genetics not taken into account :-)
yes i have stated there is males who cannot put on weight due to high metabolism

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I eat shit don't work out and can't put on weight :-) some people just stay fat, some just stay thin. There is a percentage for genetics not taken into account :-)
Same here except I have a fair diet (besides beer) and am moderately active. More so in hunting season.
After figuring my BMI and then Harri Benedict equation through that link. Explains why I stay in shape. I burn 2000 calories laying in bed... Would need around 3600 calories to start gaining weight. Rarely eat that much. Beer included.


Well-Known Member
I eat shit don't work out and can't put on weight :-) some people just stay fat, some just stay thin. There is a percentage for genetics not taken into account :-)
I think metabolism yes, but if you eat low/zero nutrition foods, you are probably starving for nutrients. Honey please eat some lean protein and veggies.


Well-Known Member
Okay this is embarrassing: I can't do a proper dead lift (yet anyway) I don't see why it's so hard to just "drop" my butt and NOT lift with my back. The cross fit coach person was teaching us this today and it FELT like I was doing it, but I was lifting with my back every time. I didn't want to injure back so I had to 'lift the bar of shame' which is a PVC pipe LOL I am the only girl and I never felt MORE like the only girl until that moment….fail.

Of course everyone is cool and quick to offer help w/ technique. I don't mind using a plastic bar, I believe form is waaay more important to get the proper technique down. Just wish I wasn't surrounded by well meaning gorillas.
Use an alternated grip. Don't look at floor. Keep your eyes forward and drive upward using your heels. Keep your mind on your heels throughout the entire motion. Practice using dumbells until your form is comfortable and your core is more established. Make sure you use enough weight so that your entire body is stabilizing the load, otherwise you could pick up bad habits.