Rare Dankness 501st OG n' More


Active Member
Light: Veg: 600w MH, 6" inline fan carbon filtered, etc. Flower 600w HPS, 600w LED
Vegging right now I have 8 501st OG's from Rare Dankness in 7 gallon mad farmers fabric pots.
A few Skywalker's, a few Master Bubba's, and a GSC clone. Those are in 2-3g pots
Soil mix is 50% Foxfarms Happy Frog and 50% Roots 707.
Feeding Boogy Brew, and organic molasses.



White Urkel finally coming back to life and new growth everyday now. Slowww Vegger'.

Also have a NYD OG and an unknown bagseed growing outdoors.


Bagseed. Looks weird as hell. Single blade leafs, very very small yield (so far). Super frosty though...



Active Member
I think they got a little heat stressed. Few day's back, it was about 95*F for a week straight with 2 days being 105+!! I don't have an air conditioning unit to cool the tents down yet.
Nice choice of strains. My first go with the 501st didn't find anything but 2 finicky girls but I have another pack to go thru. Looking forward to see how your flower room performs with a 600 has and 600 led


Active Member
Hey guy's! I really like the idea of doing video updates, so I though I would give it a shot. Questions, comments, concerns, constructive criticism, etc. all welcome here on this thread. Please discuss thanks!


Active Member
Aw man I just had to harvest my 501st #4 pheno because it threw out a huge amount of male flowers! The bitch has some seeds handing out of a couple buds too :( It doesn't look like it pollinated my whole tent though but im keeping my eye open!


Active Member
Ok my camera isn't working :( I'll have to get some nug shots later. Everything is dried and curing nicely. Averaged about 2 oz per plant, some less, some more. Everything starting to smell great, and will have a smoke report up with the nug shots and phenotypes :)