Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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You still around? lol
don't know why I didn't get the notifications on these last few posts..weird..
I've noticed that I get alerts for like an hour or maybe a half day? Idk, but then it stops giving me alerts. This thread specifically as there are so many constant posts. It only alerts for a little bit then it assumes I don't want anymore alerts I guess. It has been weird for me and I have been trying to figure it out lol
I've noticed that I get alerts for like an hour or maybe a half day? Idk, but then it stops giving me alerts. This thread specifically as there are so many constant posts. It only alerts for a little bit then it assumes I don't want anymore alerts I guess. It has been weird for me and I have been trying to figure it out lol
Freaky!!! lol guess we are just a bunch of motor mouths :lol: well I know I am! :P
I'm going to hang out with the first person I even smoked weed with today guys! It's been 15 years since that magical moment!!! We reunited and found out that although we both moved 700+ miles from home, we ended up 2.5 hours away from one another. Gonna be a Chinese slumber party tonight!!!!!
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