Dry Sift HASH: What are best screen sizes?

Morbid Angel

Well-Known Member
I know 70 Microns is the most popular -/+ with bubble hash guys, but Im looking into building some stuff for dry sift. No way Im going to separate all my glands through ten different screen sizes. Looking for the best sizes for dry sift. I was thinking 120micron for separation and a 70 for refining. What are some views on this. Dry sift XP an asset.
I built a hash machine using a drum humidifier and I used 90 micron silk screen I believe! It makes great black gooey hash after two days of tumbling. I have not tried yet but going to let it run in the freezer the next time.
Check out my thread down a ways.

You only need 2 screens.

Depends on the method you want to use as well. You can do a few different things that will decide what sizes you really want/need.
I built a hash machine using a drum humidifier and I used 90 micron silk screen I believe! It makes great black gooey hash after two days of tumbling. I have not tried yet but going to let it run in the freezer the next time.
... if you havn't tried it...
Put a little dry ice in your tumbler and it'll get the job done in no time flat...( a few minutes).
Dry ice will wok, but it'll also give you a boat load of contaminant. Depends on whether or not you want head stash or yield I suppose?
Yeah, I don't have a tumbler but I have friends that use it in theirs. I do the ol' babble bag and two bucket method. I keep a.close eye on it and mainly make tinc with it anyways...
Dry ice makes the material so cold and brittle that they break and go threw the bag. If you look under a microscope you notice a lot of plant matter, not just the head of the gland. With dry sifting (and bubble) all you want is the head of the trich.
Yeah WarMachine nailed it.. use a decent microscope 200x or more.. you'll see a ton of fragmented stalks in there.

It might be blonde, but it's generally not all that pure if you're really after head stash, but the yield is off the friggin' chain, i'll give it that. If only there was a nifty static trick to then go back over it and pull all the fragments out lol.

Like a scanner that went over the top and attracted it.. i've thought about it but nobody could really put it to work.
FC I that sounds good. I am looking for "like" traditional brick hash without beating dry as fuck twigs with sticks. All product is going to press, fuck the rest. Going to try that out see if it makes sense to me.
Yeah WarMachine nailed it.. use a decent microscope 200x or more.. you'll see a ton of fragmented stalks in there.

It might be blonde, but it's generally not all that pure if you're really after head stash, but the yield is off the friggin' chain, i'll give it that. If only there was a nifty static trick to then go back over it and pull all the fragments out lol.

Like a scanner that went over the top and attracted it.. i've thought about it but nobody could really put it to work.
How bout an inflated ballon, rub on one's head, use the static charged balloon ?
Was searching for an easy method for hash. You Tube had this posted and it looks easy. No extra cooking utensils or flammables. Hope it helps as I'm just looking at it right now.
I've been using a 133 micron screen, and get a very clean tan pile of resin. I've always felt I could use a slightly larger screen something around 150 to 160 is going to be my next screen. Cheapest easiest way to get is screen is to check out silkscreen suppliers like this ONE and get a pre-stretched and mounted to a frame. Check out the bulk fabric page to translate thread count to micron opening size.