Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
Can't handle your own medicine? Maybe you should stop that shit you ignorant bigot.
stop what shit? pointing out your racist rhetoric, and then calling you a racist?

maybe you should cite your claim already, i have a million and one instances of your racist rhetoric to draw from.


Well-Known Member
the subtlety that you obviously missed is that London is just as capable of parenting as whites, something you seem to not agree with or understand. That was a dig at you bucktard, not blacks.
you were clearly implying that some folks wouldn't hold their children responsible if they caught them stealing.


Well-Known Member
stop what shit? pointing out your racist rhetoric, and then calling you a racist?

maybe you should cite your claim already, i have a million and one instances of your racist rhetoric to draw from.
Ah, but you never proved it or pointed anything out other than you think the south would magically transport back to the 50's and become a white only club. You just kept repeating your lies.

Mine aren't lies, you really a bigoted POS.


Well-Known Member
Ah, but you never proved it or pointed anything out other than you think the south would magically transport back to the 50's and become a white only club. You just kept repeating your lies.

Mine aren't lies, you really a bigoted POS.
i pointed out that slavery was at an all time high when the civil war (which, despite your revisionism, was about slavery) started, and i pointed out that stores were not hurting for business while segregating blacks or kicking them out altogether.

that's not bigoted, that's historically accurate, unlike your account of things.

now get back to worrying about racist food spitters.


Well-Known Member
then tell us again why we need race specific laws, i notice you keep avoiding that. Can't figure out how to turn it around yet?
once you cite some of your claims, i will be happy to address ONCE AGAIN the need for race specific laws.

but go ahead and start citing your claims about "my stereotypes" or your other claim about "blacks need help that no other race does".

once you cite those claims or admit that you were lying, i will be happy to honor your request, you racist lying POS.


Well-Known Member
I agree with UB. This country has cause hardship on people like myself. In my lifetime I have seen how fucked this nation and SOME of her people can be. Whats your argument.
My argument is that until our legal system and legislation is color blind, the cycle will continue. We can't go back and undo our past, but we can go forward as a collection of individuals that all deserve the same laws, not as collectives that have laws for certain groups.


Well-Known Member
once you cite some of your claims, i will be happy to address ONCE AGAIN the need for race specific laws.

but go ahead and start citing your claims about "my stereotypes" or your other claim about "blacks need help that no other race does".

once you cite those claims or admit that you were lying, i will be happy to honor your request, you racist lying POS.

Again, your mentality would put a black man in jail longer for killing my mother because she was white than a white guy who killed my mother because he wanted her shit. That's not racist at all.


Well-Known Member
My argument is that until our legal system and legislation is color blind, the cycle will continue. We can't go back and undo our past, but we can go forward as a collection of individuals that all deserve the same laws, not as collectives that have laws for certain groups.
I again ask you to name a race specific law, so this discussion can start.


Well-Known Member
you were clearly implying that some folks wouldn't hold their children responsible if they caught them stealing.
I was implying that you would make excuses for them while London doesn't. His kids will be successful, yours will be dependent on your in-laws.


Well-Known Member
Again, your mentality would put a black man in jail longer for killing my mother because she was white than a white guy who killed my mother because he wanted her shit. That's not racist at all.
Do you know the reason why crack carried a longer sentence then cocaine. Hell you can't make crack without coke, but you did 10 times more time for crack then coke, each weighing the same amount..WHY???