Dorm Grow advertises that it does.UV and IR does not exist in the LED world, yet
Hold On Brother I Have An Area-51 2011 Panel That Has IR.As Far As The UV Is Concerned They Do Exist However The Price VS Effecienty Is Not Their Yet.Guess What My Brother My A-135 Also Has IR And I Just Snaped A Pic.The IR Led Is The 1 That Doesnt Looked Lite But It Is.UV and IR does not exist in the LED world, yet
Dorm Grow advertises that it does.
Regarding the dorm grow 900, it claims to draw 550W so its LEds are dissipating about 460W. It is called a 900 to make it sound like a better deal.wondering if a 900 Watt Led from G8 is too much for the small area? Should I opt for the 450 Watt and add in 2 of the UFO's? Any help is appreciated.
Maybe the time has come ,that RIU should consider splitting the Led Section into two sub-sections ...As far as I know, UVB LEDs are still very expensive, and I would consider them very dangerous to your eyes and the DNA in your skin. UVA on the other hand are readily available and cheap, but they are very inefficient and a waste of wattage in a growing lamp IMO. Because of this, some lamps (solar flare) use UVB fluorescent bulbs, which are also very inefficient and suffer from lumen depreciation.
Regarding the dorm grow 900, it claims to draw 550W so its LEds are dissipating about 460W. It is called a 900 to make it sound like a better deal. Sorry to be so negative!
Agreed. This finally represents the time where the legit LED companies leave the wannabees in the dust. Results have displaced hype once and for all, LED technology is here to stay.Ya I hope that RIU is helping the LED grow lamp companies that are up front and honest make money, and those that thrive on overstating their capabilities lose money. Over time that is helping to make even better lamps available to growers and we are paying about the same/W for high quality lamps.
UV and IR most certainly does exist in LEDs...
Ledengin, Sibdi, Semi, Heliopto and many others makes UV.
Ledengin, Epistar, Optotech and Heliopto makes IR, others do to, just none I can remember off hand...
As far as UV and IR existing in a "Dorm Grow" lamp? Y'all judge for yourself:
I bought one just to see what it's all about. Not a terrible spectrum, just no "UV-B" like they claim, and if you consider 700-715nm IR, then, well, yes they do have it.
If I were the OP, for the money I planned on spending on their "900w", I'd check into an Apache Tech or 4x Han's panels. Either route, you'll get tons more for your money. better warranty too.
Yeah.............sure........lets put up a Berlin wall in the led section!Maybe the time has come ,that RIU should consider splitting the Led Section into two sub-sections ...
Commercial led fixture section ,where everybody can be left in their peace ,to talk about
how their $300 240 watts ,3Watt 8mm diode(BIN: xxx-??? ) led light ,
grows better than a 1000Watt Hid !
And then the rest of us ,poor DIYers can have our own -peaceful- section ,to try to figure out
how on earth we 'll deal with all those obstacles in the way ,
trying to make our lights at least grow as efficient as a 400 Watt HPS .![]()