Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hell yeah!!! I would ask, haha you mind shooting that back my way,.. lol ;) j.k with ya bro.. Yeah, those are the little containers I place the beans in.. haha Damn I LOVE the way yours are looking bro!!! Super tight & compact, just like their Mothers! :) I have to say, & NOT just cause they are my creations, the Purple Monkey has to be 1 of the tightest node strains IV'E ever seen! I shit you not, the nods are 1/4 inch apart if not closer! Super Kushy pheno". And talking about early trich production! I would LOVE to start making some BHO out of a few of these heavy trich producers asap! I have allot of trim was just trying to wait until I take the Marie's Sapphire (purple pheno) before doing so.. She's loaded with feminized beans ;)
The PM is definitely compact, I'll take a side pic later to show node spacing. It seems like they're stacking on top of each other. As soon as I can figure how to fill the bottles i"ll send one your way. Got to get 1 to RP too. This last batch was from some skunk I ran a lil while back.
How big you think I should let them get before flipping switch?


Well-Known Member
I hear that.. Well, the reason I flipped early on the ones I have running was to get them tested & the "fem" pollen off each. When I wasn't pushed 4 time I would wait until they had a good 4 to 5 week veg, then flip.. Now when it comes to the DR (dream Reapers) they tend to get really huge. Not stretch, but long cola's. That was with just a 5 week veg period mind you.. Had cola's a good 2 foot long or more.. They do really good with training, LST, & cropping. If I where you, I would wait at least until they get up around a foot & half before flipping. Just so you get some nice yields off each 1. :)
The PM is definitely compact, I'll take a side pic later to show node spacing. It seems like they're stacking on top of each other. As soon as I can figure how to fill the bottles i"ll send one your way. Got to get 1 to RP too. This last batch was from some skunk I ran a lil while back.
How big you think I should let them get before flipping switch?


Well-Known Member
you may have to click on the "more options" & go about it that way.. I know sometimes it wont let me if I try & "upload a file", I have to end up doing the more options, then it works.
i cant upload a photo for some reason, but if any one can give me there email add ill send them some of my first time grows and u could kindly post them for me, if that's ok


Well-Known Member
I hear that.. Well, the reason I flipped early on the ones I have running was to get them tested & the "fem" pollen off each. When I wasn't pushed 4 time I would wait until they had a good 4 to 5 week veg, then flip.. Now when it comes to the DR (dream Reapers) they tend to get really huge. Not stretch, but long cola's. That was with just a 5 week veg period mind you.. Had cola's a good 2 foot long or more.. They do really good with training, LST, & cropping. If I where you, I would wait at least until they get up around a foot & half before flipping. Just so you get some nice yields off each 1. :)
Nice, the DR does look like it's gonna be a beast. Out of curiosity, when do you start counting your veg time? I guess I'm just kind of anxious to get them sexed so I can seperate the males and get cuttings off the females.


Well-Known Member
I start counting once they have their 1st set of true leaves. ;)
Nice, the DR does look like it's gonna be a beast. Out of curiosity, when do you start counting your veg time? I guess I'm just kind of anxious to get them sexed so I can seperate the males and get cuttings off the females.


Well-Known Member
Are you on a phone, or on a desktop :confused: it maybe that if your using a phone your file is to big your trying to upload. If your on a desktop, take the files to paint & down size. Thats what I have to do all the time to get my bigger files to dl.
still cant upload photo, never mind, anotherday


Well-Known Member
Are you on a phone, or on a desktop :confused: it maybe that if your using a phone your file is to big your trying to upload. If your on a desktop, take the files to paint & down size. Thats what I have to do all the time to get my bigger files to dl.
a phone but i click browse for photos and it didn't even let me do that
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