Well-Known Member

While the NAACP has brought the charge of racism to the Tea Party in the mainstream media, those who have been following my work, know that I have been reporting on the racists in the Tea Party for sometime now. While the Tea Party may not be a racist movement, it has been bastion for racism and a meeting place for racists. Some of these people are part of Neo-Nazi groups, some are brainwashed by Fox News to hate Obama because he is Black and some are just lunatics. Given that there is no central leadership for the Tea Party, there has been no one to answer to these racists. Here are the 5 types of racists you will find in the Tea Party movement.

This guy goes to the white supremacist website Stormfront and worships Hitler, David Duke and Ron and Rand Paul. He hides his racism in order to attract tea party supporters into his white supremacist philosophy. Here is a quote from a white supremacist on Stormfront about the Tea Party.
I’ve attended a few of the Tea Party gatherings and have found quite a few racially aware folks in attendance. I use these gatherings to wake folks up to the ‘Jew’ problem in this country with many leaving say “Hmmm” and following up with me via email for further mentoring on the subject.There are people I met during the Ron Paul campaign who were “clowns”, and now are active White Nationalists. I’m not willing to pass up any opportunity I have to make more of them. It only takes me a few minutes a day to make either subtle or blatant racially-aware posts on forums filled with Tea Partyers. If I make even one new White Nationalist, it was worth it.....
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