Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
there you are wrong:

greek and roman juries were selected from the populace of eligible Demos (basically Voters) men who owned land, kept their arms and paid their taxes

"Holy Roman Empire" (thats 3 lies just in the name...) appointed "juries" of religious leaders and those the religious leaders thought "pious" enough to render whatever verdict the church demanded

germanic trials (angle, saxon, dane, teutonic etc...) were all based on the "Proof" by ordeal, combat or the testimony under oath (of the ruling class only) before the king or his thanes. most "Anglo Saxon" justice was left to the victim and his family, through the ancient rites of Lex Talionis and vendetta

Cetlic trials were much more complex, with the Filidh (something like a judge, a historian, and priest all rolled into one) offering judgements in disputes or in some cases the chiefs or kings would preside while the Filidhs and Druids advised on matters of law (which was also religion)

again, this is factual, jury trials as we know them did not reappear until the 12th century during the legal reforms of Henry Plantagenet
good stuff.......will flesh it out later. Yoko Ono currently screaming at full volume into my ear. this fucking tinnitus.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
1. well since you asked, i did attend the presidents grass roots speech in delray beach on 10/23/12, stood right next to secret service as there were no seats left (right in an aisle which is against protocol..schuylaar convinced them to let her stay); they don't talk much.

2. um, the war is over. prisoner trades are always made at the end. this includes your beloved reagan AND the mastermind that is bush.

3. fuck off:finger:

4. :mrgreen:
It sounds like you have a severe case of itchy, swollen labia accompanied by that embarrassing odor the TV commercials are always talking about. Take a mydol and dial back the hysteria, sweetie.

Oh, and stop being so bossy!


Well-Known Member
I doubt that you have ever been in a fight. I know you don't have one of these:

Keep talking though it's actually amusing.
Oh good. Are you one who personally fought in active ground combat while assigned as members of either an infantry, Ranger or Special Forces unit, of brigade size or smaller, any time after 6 December 1941?

You have never really said, have you?

Or are you just a blowhard?


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you have a severe case of itchy, swollen labia accompanied by that embarrassing odor the TV commercials are always talking about. Take a mydol and dial back the hysteria, sweetie.

Oh, and stop being so bossy!
i feel a banning coming on.


Well-Known Member
Is that like the global warming consensus, for real number?

And did you have a point with that, "might be a guy," comment?


Well-Known Member
Sky, do you think there are there guys that can actually pull off flirting like a real woman?


Well-Known Member
Just you an' me, in this big old Dance Hall, babe. I only have heart for you. :)

I can watch my back with my other 20 senses.


Well-Known Member
Oh good. Are you one who personally fought in active ground combat while assigned as members of either an infantry, Ranger or Special Forces unit, of brigade size or smaller, any time after 6 December 1941?

You have never really said, have you?

Or are you just a blowhard?
First off, yes. I'm a combat veteran of the airborne infantry.

Secondly, you're the blowhard. I'm not the one going on and on about shit I have no experience with. I'm the one telling you to quit being such a blowhard.

Thirdly, shut the fuck up Donny.
You're out of your element.