The 5 Types of Tea Party Racists.

No kynes.

Words have meanings.

Fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization.

Mussolini privatized the Italian economy.

These are facts.
no, Mussolini was a marxist from way back, he was a leading thinker in the formation of Marxist Ideology, he was the leader of several socialist and marxist parties as well as editor of the largest marxist newspaper in italy, but once he determined that a SMALL step towards full socialism was better than no step, he was ostracized, vilified and declared "Right Wing" by marxists (like yourself) and the meme persists.

read his fucking writings.

his goal was slow creeping socialism leading to eventual communism through DEMOCRATIC processes and legislation rather than violent revolution.

that was his heresy, which marxists now embrace worldwide, while still abhorring the innovator who first promulgated the idea.

you re-define words, and torture their meanings whiel pretending to authority.

if your definitions are correct, then serfs were volunteers, wages are slavery, and pot seeds are state property.
The only problem with what you're saying is that none of it is true. Even your final jab is full of distortions.

Fascism is a right wing ideology and a form of capitalism. That's why all fascists privatize the economies when they come into power.
if the tea party isn;t so racist, then why do so many racists like you self-affiliate with it?
I'm not trying to speak for DD here, but there isn't one person on the forum, I am aware of that self affiliates with the tea party.

Some sympathize with it, others agree with some of what they say, others still refuse to participate in bashing of it.

But I don't ever remember reading one post where anyone ever mentioned being in the tea party.

As far as race goes, I went to a couple tea party events locally when it started out. I noticed minorities in the crowd, they weren't hanged. I also saw several people who had stupidly racial criticism of Obama. They weren't criticizing him for being black, but mentioning race in their criticism. That's dumb.
that's because you are an idiot.

need me to cite the posts?
I mean, I didn't write anything down in a note book about other members tea party affiliations.

If you did that's fine.

But I don't recall anyone ever saying they are an active member of the year party.
I mean, I didn't write anything down in a note book about other members tea party affiliations.

If you did that's fine.

But I don't recall anyone ever saying they are an active member of the year party.

we have many tea party aficionados, supporters, well wishers and the like around here.

you are an idiot.
The only problem with what you're saying is that none of it is true. Even your final jab is full of distortions.

Fascism is a right wing ideology and a form of capitalism. That's why all fascists privatize the economies when they come into power.
only in your twisted deformed re-definition of the word "Privatize"

if they were to make something truely Private, they would sell it off and not maintain direct control
people other than party apparatchiks would be eligible to buy it, operate it and profit by it
the government would not take most of the returns from the business
the new "owners" would be able to re-sell the company

none of this is true, so there was no "privatization", only a re-labeling and imposition of new (still government controlled) management

and my "final jab" was full of distortions?

so you have not asserted that Serfs were "Volunteers"?
you never stated that Wages equal Slavery?
you never insisted that SEEDS are part of The Means of Production and thus should be part of "The Commons" and not eligible for status as "Private Property"?

cuz i can make you look like the liar you are in moments if you wish.
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so you guys are all disavowing the tea party now? just a bunch of racists with no good ideas?

you guys used to blame all the racism on "democratic plants" so as not to tarnish the image of your beloved tea party.
The only problem with everything you're saying is that it's not true.

I cited an academic historical paper from an accredited university which documents clearly that Mussolini privatized the Italian economy.

You claim repetitively that it was not truly private or that profit did not remain privatized. You have cited nothing but the meaningless rhetoric of the liar himself who promised socialism to get elected but privatized the Italian economy. If this is true, you can provide credible citation AND explain why he did not simply leave the resources and infrastructure of Italy nationalized, since it already was.
The only problem with everything you're saying is that it's not true.

I cited an academic historical paper from an accredited university which documents clearly that Mussolini privatized the Italian economy.

You claim repetitively that it was not truly private or that profit did not remain privatized. You have cited nothing but the meaningless rhetoric of the liar himself who promised socialism to get elected but privatized the Italian economy. If this is true, you can provide credible citation AND explain why he did not simply leave the resources and infrastructure of Italy nationalized, since it already was.
because it was "Nationalized" into the hands of incompetent bureaucrats who had no incentive to do their jobs.
Mussolini identified and isolated the primary flaw with all forms of Socialism and Communism, the lack of Incentive.
Mussolini modified the structure of the various national industries, and nationalized many more using his new paradigm, where the operators of the business could actually obtain a small profit for success which was a huge part of his Marxist Heresy.

he grabbed Socialism by the throat and forced it to swallow a teaspoon of "capitalism" and then you morons declared he was "Right Wing, Capitalist, and a Traitor To The Cause"

the addition of a miniscule amount of capitalism to a failing Marxist system was a huge success, and you Marxists really hate that, so you have been pissing on him name for 80 years, while gleefully adopting his ideas using the New Hotness brand of "Democratic Socialism".

without Mussolini's contributions, Marxism would have died out long ago, so you owe him a huge debt of gratitude.

you are so outraged, because it's not a secret, and you desperately want to seize control of the language and thus reframe the arguments away from your Fascist Underpinnings.

also, the "Final Jab" you so vehemently claim is "Full of Distortions" remains entirely true

i notice you dont adress that at all
like Hitler "privatized" German steel..........into Krupp's pocket. that's not privatization; that's state-control via shills.
nuh uhh!!

it wasnt owned by the government no more, it was owned by a top member of the ruling (and ONLY) party, and a close personal friend of Der Fuhrer so thats totally different!!

and by different i mean exactly the same.