San Pedro from seed?

Who has experience with starting san pedro cactus from seeds?
Also who would like a good "how-to" thread on it if we dont get much feed back on this thread.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
It's just like starting any other cactus seed , anti-fungals are recomended from the start becouse of the amount of time it takes for them to sprout
baking the soil/sand is helpful when starting them as well. are you making a journal? i highly recommend getting some pereskiopsis spathulata cuttings for grafting. grafting takes a slow and sometimes painful process and makes it fast and fun! :)
I personally have neve grown any of the sacred cactuses myself but have had family members and friends that have had specimens of there own. Had an uncle that could make the tea or extract the mescaline down to its pure form if he wanted, but he has passed on, and ever since I've always wanted to start my own cactus garden in honor of him. I was planning on doing a little more research, before I dove straight into my adventure with these wonderful spirits. The reason I start the subject about starting from seed is that it amazes me more to watch a plant completely grow from birth into something beautiful and healthy. Then start with a cut. So when I do plan on starting my garden I would like to pop 20 to 50 seeds and I will also probably find a reputable place to buy a few cuts or already rooted specimens just to full fill the impatient side of me. I may dabble alittle with the tea for spiritual reasoning later on but its mainly just basic amazement with growing different plant life and also having my own little preservation of sacred spirits. Always treat plants like these with respect there living entities and spirits just like you and I (if not more powerful then us). So be cautious. Be respectful. And be safe.
One love!!
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cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
i agree completely! i can give you some ideas of where to buy/trade cuttings, and i recommend t. bridgesii and t. peruvianus in addition to pachanoi. you might consider starting some lophophora williamsii too! :D

if you like, i'll dig up some info and vids on grafting for you; it really does make things fun and interesting, and it's super simple once you get the hang of it... ;)