Need Help! - Spider Mites?


New Member
Hello. So apparently I think I am having spider mites on my ladies!
I grow outdoor, so it might be obvious that I will get some pests but what shall I do?
I do not have time for browsing the internet. I need urgent help from professionals.

Here are the pics:
pic 1 and 2 are the white dots, pic 3 are holes in the leaves, and pic 4 might be complicated to see - in center of the plant there is some purple colour, this might be some frost attack but I would like to know for sure.

Please comment on all of the pictures if you can. Thank you very much!




Well-Known Member
if u grow outside you can do somthing called companion growing, i grow indoors but have a veg garden outside, i plant garlic all over my garden and it gets rid off all green fly and other things, if you look around your garden and see if the spidermites are on any other plants, they may llike them more than ur weed, if so plant a few around your weed, and the pests will go onto the plant they like the most,it might be a bit of trial and error, but it works garenteed, instead of trying to elimanate them just give them some better food they like, it works with slugs and snails too, if you can find roughly were there coming from just put some cat biscuits near there den and they will come out at night and eat the cat biscuits then go back in to sleep, iv used this method for 10 years, so if any one tells u its rubbish just feed them cat biscits and tell them to sush


Well-Known Member
Hello. So apparently I think I am having spider mites on my ladies!
I grow outdoor, so it might be obvious that I will get some pests but what shall I do?
I do not have time for browsing the internet. I need urgent help from professionals.

Here are the pics:
pic 1 and 2 are the white dots, pic 3 are holes in the leaves, and pic 4 might be complicated to see - in center of the plant there is some purple colour, this might be some frost attack but I would like to know for sure.

Please comment on all of the pictures if you can. Thank you very much!

spidermites acually spin very fine webs, u can see these with a spray of water


Well-Known Member
not mites, you can see the eating "trails"...probably leafhoppers/baby grasshoppers. Don't spray those, those are too young, you may fry em. Make sure they aren' ON the plant, i bet you don't have any bugs on them, probably a hungry bug, just passing by.
maybe i'm lucky but I've never had a mite PROBLEM outside, only inside.
outside they do eat your plants, but don't colonize and web them like indoors. Not that they won't, just that they usually seem to not be as devastating, outside.
the fourth pic looks normal, many plants have that color naturally.
if it were me, i'd do nothing except monitor.
Check to see if any bugs are actually ON the plant (i suspect there aren't)
when you see trails like that it's a bug that is crawling as it eats, like grasshoppers, leafhoppers, etc. The hole is probably from the a bigger grasshopper.

Colorado Old Guy

Active Member
These guys are babies yet, you would be safe to give them a little shot of sprectricin or permethrin, it would solve your problem now and into the next few have a leaf eater here and need to deal with it without delay...