Is this heat burn/stress?


Active Member
Im growing 4 Bubblicious in a 4×4×7 tent.. With a 600mh light(at 50% power). The light is about 3 feet above the plants.. The room Temps stay around 80-86 it usually hovers around 82 most of the time.. The humidity ranges from 20%-67% usually in the lower end.. Its been raining a lot in my area so that has contributed to the higher humidity lately since I have my window open to let air in..

I was misting the leaves but then stopped because I thought that was causing the leaves to burn.. Is the light to close? 20140531_180404.jpg20140531_180357.jpg 20140531_180335.jpg 20140531_180240.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are bleaching out the leaves. Raise you light up. The intensity is too much for your plant. I have experienced this in the past from led.


Active Member
The plant that didn't have anything wrong with it now has the same issues as the other one.. Even though I raised the light more...


Well-Known Member
Your light is plenty high enough. If your humidity is below 60% at this stage your plants won't be happy ESPECIALLY if your temps are over 80 degrees. Try and get that stabilized either way, big swings are stressful for such little plants.

The seedling stage can be a bitch, lol. I've seen seedlings have some pretty rough starts and turn out being great plants.


Active Member
Looks like a defiency.. maybe potassium or calcium
that is what i was thinking.... do you think its time to transplant them to bigger pots and start feeding them? New leaves seem to come out good but then it seems like they start to grow these spots after a couple of days...


Well-Known Member
yeah they should be ready for a xplant to a bigger container with a mild feeding of all purpose feed with micro nutrients


Well-Known Member
depends what you are xplanting into.. if it is a potting soil mix then you will not need to add nutes for at least a couple weeks.

the miracle grow potting mix would have enough nutes to hold you for awhile. might even hold you until harvest.